Love and respect for humanity

in love •  11 months ago 

The Palestinians are innocent people's and true believer in Allah they r the pure Muslims and Palestine is a place of our many prophet's country home.palestinians were living peacefull and happy life before 1948. İn 1917 the Jews (Israelis) were accepted as refugees by Palestinians, when they were rejected or you can say kicked by European countries they were just 7--8%in population. Later they became more in population and in modern values too.




since 1948 the innocent Palestinians are killed by Israelis( jews) to capture the PALESTINE.
The oppressed people of Palestine. We can't imagine how they are living .loosing their kids burying them in grave with their own hand's, many are wounded also,how they are bearing it.



Some has keys with them but the home is exploded

some r searching for their needs in that Rubble,


Most of them are homeless they don't have food nor water



small tanker is the only need to quench there thirst

a young girl sitting in the centre of the rubble and celebrating her birthday only having some balloons,these are the only happiness and needs they have with them,the only crime they have done is accepted jews (Israelis)as refugees,

since 1948 they are attacking slowly to capture whole Palestine,but Palestinians are true about their imaan. These are the people who fall and stand up with courage



Ohh Allah u sent ababeel,u sent down the angels guarding the Ka'bah with bare swords into the plain of Badr, ohh Allah u brought up Moosa in pharaoh's court, u brought forth yousuf from the well, U save Ibrahim from fire,ohh Allah u rescued Yunus from the belly of the fish,U raised Isa alive to heaven.please sent your angels again or sent imam Mehdi or sent Salahuddin Ayyubi .sent an army to protect Palestinians.


However to see the scenario in my perspective, all these mess created by so called most advanced society they don't feel pain for other they don't feel hunger and thirst of other's,they don't feel love for kids.we don't know where our modern values are??we don't know why humanity always fails when it comes to Palestinians.May Allah bless human to respect eachother and value each other's life and loved ones.



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  ·  11 months ago  ·   (edited)

What a great sadness the death of so many Palestinians, especially children and the elderly. I really don't know how this will end, although Israelis died too.

No one should die, but humanity is exterminating itself 😢.

Qué gran tristeza la muerte de tantos palestinos, especialmente niños y ancianos. Realmente no sé cómo terminará esto, aunque también murieron israelíes.
Nadie debería morir, pero la humanidad se está exterminando a sí misma .

