Have no Fear

in love •  3 years ago  (edited)

I just had a bit of a revelation.
I've been thinking a lot about the old Garden of Eden story recently. I've read many varying attempts at explaining it and what it all means.

The fall of man? How did we fall and what into?
What is this 'original sin' we all had to atone for?
How did Jesus take away our 'sins'?
What IS 'sin'.
It's a riddle.

image.png https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/sin/

None of it made sense to me whichever way I looked at it.

Until just now.

There were two trees. The tree of life and the tree of knowledge. The 2nd we were not supposed to eat from but why? Why would knowledge be a sin. What was the knowledge of?
Some say it was our 'nakedness'. (Innocence)
Some say it was of 'good and evil'.
What is 'evil'.
Never mind all that tho, what was their first reaction after eating the 'knowledge'?


image.pnghttps://beatingtrauma.com/2019/06/12/the-confusion-of-the-fear-response/ (I picked this image because it displays fear AND the perceived 'evil' eye of Horus they like to constantly flash at us. I found it ironic and a perfect illustration of my point in all this.)

So the reaction to this 'new knowledge was to be afraid. That is the opposite of what real knowledge of something true would be. I know that since I uncovered the lies of germ theory I no longer fear anything they have thrown at us through the whole convid 'awakening'. I grew up with fear, as we all have. But that fear only manifested as we grew and learned to fear from the world around us. Babies and toddlers have no fear. They learn it. We all learned it.

So were we originally meant to be fearless in our innocence? Without fear you can think straight. Everyone knows fear makes us illogical and hateful. Was the 'knowledge' fed to us actually a lie. The original lie.
The 'sin' was believing the lie.

Is evil simply a manifestation of FEAR?
All the evil and hate in the world stems from fear and is fed by it.

Is there an opposite to FEAR? If you look it up a load of words like courage, bravery are offered but they are not a lack of fear at all, they are just ways of fighting it. The true opposite of fear must therefore be LOVE.


So the original sin was an exchange of love for fear. That was our original sin and it was based on a lie. Just like today, and it seems many times before, the whole world listened to the snake (big pHarma) and became afraid of an invisible bogeyman called a virus.


The article that inspired this revelation in me is this one. even tho it is just affirming what I was already trying to point out in my blog last week- https://blurt.blog/conspiracy/@northern-tracey/pondering-the-meaning-of-this-life it made me lose a bit more of the fear which I didn't know I had:

So my answer to this 'great reset' and maybe even this whole life is what I always thought it was. To reveal the lies and lose the fear.

'Be not afraid'.
'God is LOVE'.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

mmm... as you said, fear is not just a paralysis of the heart, but also of the mind - can't think straight, and can't trust any perceptions.

Love is just a heart-chakra experience - another 6 to go. What is an experience that dispels fear is the Buddhist notion of clear awareness and compassion. They cannot be practised - they are consequences.

Yes and they know how fear affects us which is why they use it as their most potent weapon of control.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

And chronic fear has biological consequences - dis-eases.

I have direct experience of this - luckily is largely self-healed now - fear as a frequency can then be weaponised and directed, leaving the true cause of the fear unknown.

Yes exactly, I would say that the 'stress' they've been talking about for years causing illness is actually just 'chronic fear'.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

the coronacircus article is fabulous. So freaking on point!

the central planners wouldn’t need to artificially plant all these signs, wouldn’t need to convince us the end is nigh, wouldn’t need to do all they’re doing, if they were so sure it was about to happen by itself.

They will destroy themselves trying to destroy the rest of us. We don't need to do anything but love love love flood the planet with love. Hard to do when fear is in control! So yes, fear is the slave system the central planners have been feeding us for thousands of years. Abandon religions and spirituality systems. They are all false, all lead you outside of yourself, away from your own truth and your ability to love.

Yes it is, makes me wish I'd written it ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You kinda have. You have definitely called that all of our reactions were anticipated and accounted for. This is the first I have understood that destabilizing governments is a goal, but of course that is now quite obvious. I don't know what to do with this information though. Nothing? Just spread joy and love despite the world going topsy turvy all around me? Seems that would be more effective than anything else. And we would have the joy and love of others to rely on. Caring will take the place of money. We will care for each other and survive. The carers will survive.

Yes you must find your worth and share it. I'm trying to build a fruitful garden to feed myself and hopefully others and to have a place my family can run to when they finally realise the system will not take care of them. I'll be waiting with open arms.

For I concur.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is indeed beautiful. Your explanation is correct, pure knowledge takes away fear. I love this writeup. Cheers!

Wow thankyou. Beautiful was unexpected. 😍

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah it's good it was a surprise.

Great article - both yours and the one you shared - I delve into these areas in the multi-part series I've written. Although, I would go one further and state that humanity (especially western cult-ure) has been engaged in a global alchemical ritual for at least the last 100 years. Certainly, there is far more going on here than meets the eye - and most definitely they are working towards a socially engineered false awakening.

The Bennu bird of ancient Egypt is a precursor to the phoenix that is now synonymous with the occultism of the one world order - both are equated with death and rebirth. They have been doing this for a long time. :) Whilst the majority of their fear porn is theatrical, their obsession with cycles of time, point towards the possibility that they're waiting for an event, out of which they believe they will retain the upper hand.

Whilst I believe that eventually it will go right to the wire - ultimately, the end is simply a new beginning - and thus should not be feared. It's also an end to their ability to control the narrative and perceptually craft these cycles of destruction and awakening - age of aquarius etc etc - it's all a manipulation. In many ways, we are very lucky to be here at this moment in time - to peer behind the curtain and observe the psychological control mechanisms that have beguiled and misdirected humanity for thousands of years.

It's all a game that seeks to manufacture and harness our consent - and once you understand the nature of the game - you can observe that the emperor has no clothes. Their scripted multi-coloured spectrum of mendacity and fear porn is simply the window dressing that mines for our acquiescence and spiritual essence. Equally, once you understand that you're eternal, there is no fear - what's the worse that can happen? From this perspective, there is no man on earth that can force us to do what we know contravenes our morality and inalienable rights - even if they have a gun to our head.

God is love, love is the law, and the law is with God. :)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Profound as always, thankyou.
Please link ur multi-part series here, I'm sure others would be interested too.

As promised - here is part one -the introduction can be found in the intro. :)

Thankyou I thoroughly enjoyed it. Wondering how not to miss the other installments, here on Blurt things tend to get lost in the pile. You should have a blog like my worpress where people can subscribe and get notified of your next post. I feel a book could come out of this series to be honest.

Thank you kindly, glad you enjoyed it. :) If you're interested - I'm happy to drop you a link once I posted the next chapter - then you can read at your leisure. :)_

I was thinking about starting a wordpress - and in many ways a lot of the research I have planned would be suited to such a format - I've just been a bit unsure of how to go about it - and as yet haven't had the time to look into it.

This series is going to be one aspect of a larger book that I've been writing alongside it - although (due to the scale of what I'm trying to accomplish) it might take another year or so until I'm able to get it finished. Thank's again. :)

Please do tag me or send me a link, although don't know how you'd do that on here. Wordpress is easy, it's just like another blog, just write and post. If you can do blurt you can do wordpress. You can even copy and paste straight from here to there.

Thank you :) - it is a #blurt original series - and I will include a link to its introduction in the opening paragraph.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

I’ve had a few obes one very similar to how they describe an nde. It’s only in the body you feel fear that’s why you feel so free when you leave it as you don’t just think you know as a soul your industructable and no one can harm or take fro. You. Despite feeling this sensation more than once you can’t help but revert when in body. Or I can’t

cool, I've never had either experience but know someone who has. Have tried to astral project but just fell asleep lol. You have fear in the body because you know the body can be hurt. It can also feel pain. So some fear is needed but not fear of non existant threats. Also constant fear is very bad, they renamed it stress.

Yes v true

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