Four things you must do before telling her you like her.

in love •  3 years ago 

This post has two main sections. The first section deals with the four things you must do before telling her you like her. The second section deals with at least four girls I told that I like them. I went to them first to tell them. There were other women who went to me and said they knew I liked them, but they don't count.

So, this is going to be a boring long rant post. This rough draft article outline or web page is very small, very short, very incomplete. I've only mentioned a few things, places, events, people, relating to my life. I was born in 1985 in Oregon, United States of America. I'm currently a young man, I turned 36 years old in 2021. Around 2007, my nickname or display name on Facebook was Doctor Oatmeal. Perhaps, I was a self-proclaimed love doctor. So, I'm going to talk very briefly about love. This is just an introduction like article. That's it.


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Four things you must do before telling her you like her.
Oatmeal Daily - 2021-11-15 - Monday | Published in November of 2021

Published by Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Four Things You Must Do

Before telling her you like her, you must do the following four things.

First, you must know what you want.

Second, you must be ready.

Third, you must be there and give it enough time.

Fifth, make sure she likes you first.

The first point would take a long time to dive into depending on what you want. But to summarize, you should want a woman who is compatible with your long-term goals.

The second point regarding being ready is related to being on an active path towards stability, progress, financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally, socially. Be ready to commit. She doesn't need to know you like her if you're a boy. Become a man and start moving into the right direction. Don't be in a rush and also don't be too lazy and slow. Take things step by step each day. Don't rush things. Just do your best with one particular item or goal at a time. Write it down. Pray about it. Talk to people. Make gradual steps in the direction of your long-term goals. Just tackle one item per day. If you are unable to finish an item, write it down and try the next day and the day after that. Don't try to work too hard. Don't work too soft. Find that balance.

Third, you must be there meaning please try to avoid online dating as much as possible. You should try to avoid long-distance relationships. Be her friend.

Give it enough time before you tell her you like her. How much time is enough time? I have no idea. It depends and each man, woman, individual, relationship, situation, can be and might be different regarding different factors, details, generalities, exceptions, averages within statistics regarding how things may or may not work. Be her friend. You don't have to be too aggressive or too weak around her. You don't have to try to be too funny or too romantic, excessive, aggressively, in an exponential rate, explosively. Take it a day at a time.

And finally, number four, try to make sure she likes you before you tell her you like her. I know some people disagree. Well, let me confess, I have disagreed with this fourth point in the past. There are reasons or excuses to why I disagreed. I've changed my opinion on that and I want to talk a little bit about that today. I want to go on a quick rant to highlight four women I confessed my love for.

Boring Rant

In this second section of the post, I'm going to talk about my life for a second.

The following is going to be as brief as possible. I warn you, this part of the post may become a lot more wordy, boring, historical, etc. I'm bringing up these 4 people for several reasons. I'm not going to talk about every single girl I've had a crush on. That is not the point of this. I've written articles relating to love for so many years. I've made videos. I have many thoughts on many things. I've even written about some of these four individual who I'm about to mention. In future articles, I may choose to talk more about different people, details, etc. But I wanted to just very quickly throw this rough draft outline onto this Internet for now. This is all I can publish for the moment.

I'm not here to talk about every girl I've liked. Instead, I wanted to mention four people from the top of my head that I remember directly telling, I initiated the confrontation or interaction. I made a conscious decision to tell them I like them. There were reasons why I told them which contrasts some if not all of these four points I've made above. I believe I've not been able to do any of those four things mentioned above or at least not to the level I'd hope. There is always nuance and gray area regarding those four points above. I'm omitting women who approached me saying they knew I liked them. Some of those people may include people like my neighbor in space 161, Karla Villa, who went to my Forest Grove High School (FGHS), 2000-2004, the home of the Vikings in Forest Grove, Oregon. We would sometimes walk home together as we got off bus number 23. One day she asked me if I liked her. She looked at me like you would over a cute puppy. You care about the puppy. But the puppy is not a man. Her eyes were telling me she already knew I liked her. The other girl who knew somehow was Holly Hodel at WOLBI NY, 2004-2006. One time during lunch, I was sitting near her. She might have went to me to tell me she knew I liked her. I think I was sitting by myself one day at a table. She went to my table to talk to me really quickly. I think that is basically what happened. She said something like how we were just friends and that is it. I guess maybe I was friend-zoned. Who knows.

Now, me mentioning specific names of people might be and can be good and bad for many reasons. I believe in talking about things for a long list of reasons which I don't have time to discuss right now relating to why I do everything that I do both online and offline for many decades now. I do many things. I don't have time to talk about all of it right now because it would take many hours to even briefly outline even just some of it. But long story short, I believe in many different things that I do. People can disagree with me. People can get mad at some if not at everything I do including talking about my life. It's hard to talk about life if you can't use real names, places, dates, etc. Some people make up names, etc. I disagree with that philosophy for many reasons but this article is not going to be about that.

I mentioned around two people, Karla Villa and Holly Hodel, who told me they knew I liked them. These are the two I remember. This is all I can remember right now relating to them telling me they knew specifically. There may be others too but these are the two that come to my mind. They both come from that first decade of the 2000s. I'm not here to speculate on who might have liked me. Who knows. Like, well, I take that back. Maybe it is possible to guess. But that might be not relevant. Wait, I take that back too. It can be relevant if it teaches you how to spot the signs that somebody likes you.

I kind of want to try to make a list of every single person I liked, every single girl who might have known I liked them, etc. For now, I'm just mentioning a few people from the top of my head. I feel like this is important. But some people will say things like how this might be an invasion of privacy, inappropriate, bad, not fair, stupid, etc. But like I said, I believe in publishing this for a bunch of reasons. This is a quick outline meant to paint a very vague outline to help build a starting point of a few references which might be expanded upon later on.

Who knows how many girls knew I liked them and didn't say anything to me about it. Well, perhaps they did and I didn't know. And it is possible that some girls liked me. I cannot prove who may have liked me at times. Well better yet, humans are always liking and disliking each other on several levels. So, it's actually more of a question of how much a person may like another person at any given moment. And sometimes, you can like a person at a high enough level. That is what most people would call love or lust or whatever it might be. Often times, it's variations between love, lust, agape, feelings, moods, distractions, chemistry inside the body, spiritual connection, emotion, mental curiosity, physical desire, a longing to produce children, a longing to not be alone, a feeling of insecurity, a wide range of things relating to psychology, anthropology, sociology, L4OJ, GYJO, OJAWALL, science, biology, Theology, chemistry, mind games, boredom, etc, etc. Again, a long list. And people don't always know the percentages of how much real love they got for a person. Love is a long-term commitment and not a feeling that comes and goes. But a person can like a person at a 1% level or a 95% level. But these levels of emotional fake love can go up and down. it takes conscious determination and a series of things to have real committed love. I say all of that to say I have no idea which girls may have liked me a little, a lot, kind of, at higher levels, at lower levels, at really really high levels of real love, fake love, variations therein, etc, etc. I'm not going to speculate right now regarding who might have liked me. In some ways it doesn't matter. In the future, I may choose to talk about it. I may have liked girls who liked me too. There is one girl who I liked who might have liked me when I was at WOLBI, 2004-2006. One nickname I had for her might have been Hot Lips. Wait. No. I think the nickname I gave her was Lipstick Barbie. I can't think of her name right now. We were friends and who knows if we were ever any more than that, potentially. Maybe she was trying to date me or something. Well, for the record, I cannot prove that. Well, I could recap over the interactions we had. I might talk about her in future articles but I'm not here to talk about that kind of situation.

So, I mention all of that to say I've liked girls and I assume girls may have liked me sometimes at various levels at times, on and off, in different ways, etc. I'm not here to talk about all of those different things.

Instead, I'm going to mention, like I said, four women who I confessed my love for, I mean four women who didn't first initiate the confrontation.

In chronological order, the first person I can think of from the top of my head was Jennifer Lynn Moore who I met at the Appalachian Bible College (ABC), 2006-2007. I read her a love letter that I wrote her. Well, not exactly a love letter. The crazy thing was I wasn't saying to her, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Instead, I was just telling her how I felt.

Long story short, I wrote about her in the past online. I've talked about why I told her. I've probably written many pages trying to justify the actions I took. But I've changed my views on that since then. So, if I were to go back in time, I would have not told her. See, I may have had excuses or whatever they may have been regarding why I thought it was so important that I had to tell her. I felt guilty in some ways that it was her right to know. I believe now that either it's not necessarily her right to know if I like her or it's at least not relevant enough to bring up. This point is relevant to the other girls I confessed my love to. There can be a time and a place. The perception might be that a girl has a right to know you like her. I said perception. We can debate all day regarding whether it's her right to know. Perhaps it depends on many factors and things. In regards to Jen, she didn't have to know. But at the time, I felt like she needed to know from my limited perspective that was being pressure by my emotion, by the stress of college life, work, etc. For the most part, it wasn't time for her to really know. It wasn't relevant in a lot of ways. And telling people these kinds of things should be done in a more gradual approach at first. Eventually, things can accelerate. But it depends. But please try not to rush love or your desire of having love.

See, in movies and everywhere, we are taught to rush love. And I'm NOT saying never ever rush love. Like different strokes for different folks. It depends. How fast is too fast or how slow is too slow? It depends. But I felt like I had to tell Jen. But there was no reason to. My advice would be to just be her friend and to try not to stalk her. Try not to move to her state. Try not to just stare at her all day waiting. Yes, perhaps you may want to say hello to her. This advice goes to anybody you might like. Yes, there is a possibility of missing opportunities. And that was a main motivation that I had. I was also kind of overwhelmed by emotions. Some people I talked to about it might have given me bad advice. Also, I was usually getting like five hours of sleep or at least less than 8 hours most of the time. I was busy with work and school. My college life was full of drama or a wide variety of things. And she was going off to a different college after that school-year. I ended up going to Revolution Hawaii after that school-year. I think she was from Kentucky. And so, we went our separate paths. Part of it was me wanting to make things black and white, I was trying to rush it.

The second girl was during Revolution Hawaii, 2007-2008, I was talking to Jeanette Whitaker (of Long Beach, California, USA) on the phone. I told her I liked her but I also called her ugly. Well, I also compared her to Natalie Portman based on her MySpace photos. But she eventually wasn't talking to me on the phone any longer. Now, I'm totally sure of all the details relating to my relationship with her. I would need to investigate a few things. But regardless of the details, I probably shouldn't have been dating via the phone. Well, was it dating? I don't know. I guess it was just two people talking on the phone for like an hour a week or a few hours a week for a few weeks or a few months. I think maybe she liked me or I don't know. Maybe I forget. I liked her and I think I told her that. But we ended up going our separate paths.

The third person was Farmer Hanna at The Salvation Army's Camp Redwood Glen in California during the summer of 2010, June to August. I wrote her a love letter which was several pages long after the end of camp. Well, after I returned home, I send a letter to her. I didn't receive any response to it. I think it was like seven pages long, I wrote really small and on both sides. I would write a letter to my former self saying don't do it.

The fourth person I can think of from the top of my head was Sharon Clayton who I met at The Salvation Army's Western Youth Instititute (WYI) camp conference for young adults and teens in August of 2010 at Camp Arnold in Washington State south of Seattle. After that, we would talk to each other on the phone each day or each week for an hour or so at random times, maybe not every week but off and on from 2010 to 2012. We were friends and then I sent her a love letter and that might have ruined our friendship. Well, I wanted her to know I liked her. I was also considering moving to Fairfield, California. It's north of San Francisco. Oddly, I was in San Jose or actually Scotts Valley the summer of 2010 at Camp Redwood Glen. So, in other words, I was just south of her in June and July. I was even in San Francisco for a visit that summer with friends. And then I met Sharon in August. But I told her and then we ended up drifting apart. And then that same year, in 2012, after telling her I liked her, I ran off to Vietnam to teach English for five years until 2017.

And there you go, four random people who I confessed my love for, be it good, be it bad, be it a little bit of both as life is nuance. I can play Devil's advocate to argue in favor of some if not all of the choices I made including my decisions to tell each of those lassies I was into them. This may or may not be a complete list. But as of 2020, these would be the top four girls in some ways. In the future, who knows what will happen. These are four girls I told in the past up to the year 2020. Probably the top four I told. Maybe even the only four I told in that way. And others knew. Some I never really told them. I liked girls. And sometimes I like girls. It happens. And should you just go around telling every person you like that you like them? The answer is yes and no. Like there are ways to do it and ways not to do it. Think of it as a slow gradual dance. You should probably be friends and casually ask her out on dates or not actual dates. Think about courtship versus dating. Take it a step at a time. You don't have to give a girl a heart attack like I did with pages of a love letter. Just a simple hi there. Eventually you may begin to compliment her a little. You can compliment things she did first. Then start to say you like it. And then eventually say you like her. But my advice would be to find out if she likes you first before saying too much. You might be able to know she likes you without asking her.

I wrote this post to give advice and to also spill my guts. I wanted to publish a boring rant. This is just an outline meaning I'm not diving into the details of different girls I like. Also, girls who may like me in the future should read this be it good or bad. My potential lovers can be scared away with this article. After reading this, girls can say they understand or they might not want to have anything to do with me for any number of reasons. See, it is easy to say, "You might write about me on the Internet someday." And I won't promise that I never did, do, or will do. Like, I do what I do. I said this earlier. I do things. I do a bunch of things. Long story, believe me. This is one of the things I do, I talk about things. I say names. I mention details. Like, good or bad, I choose to do this. I choose to do many things. I may be wrong regarding things I do. It might get me in trouble. But it is coming out of a good heart. I have good motives. I will never kill myself. I will never commit suicide. Perhaps Hillary Clinton or others will arrest or murder me. Women must know that I'm like Alex Jones of Infowars. I believe in sharing truth. I have no idea how Alex Jones found a wife. See, some women want to settle down. But it can be hard to settle down when the New World Order and others are trying to kill you for sharing truth online. So, women, prefer security so they can raise children. I cannot promise that meaning it can be harder to find a potential mate or wife. Not saying it's impossible. But it's harder.

The conclusion to this post is to take it a step at a time. Don't rush things. I didn't have to aggressively tell them I like and/or liked them, to be continued or not depending on the different female counterparts I've had my eyes on at times. I should have not talk to them too much if I was talking to those women too much at times. I was rushing things. I was being selfish, emotional, etc. So, I would go back in time and tell myself to seek balance between work, careers, projects, relationships, writings, videos, etc. Like, it is a juggling act. Go to bed early perhaps. Eat well. Get enough sleep, water, vitamins, etc. Sometimes, we make worse choices due to being so malnourished.

Meaning, you better flush the Covid Vaccines out of your body before they kill you like they are killing children all around the world, potentially billions of people in the next few years if we're unable to stop enough of everything that is happening.

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