Wind of Love.

in love •  5 months ago 

In the night time once I experience cold, I opened the window
My face at the window pointing to the door
I reveal all doorways and conners
Believing in myself to peer you return back out

But you're only a wind
the instant I have become to pay attention what you said
I felt your love
I usually pointing my face on the window taking into consideration to peer you
I by no means knew you by no means exist

The home windows had been simply an entrance
My instincts had been large of you
so I desired to recognise you more

Depsite the sweetnesses of your tongues
and the letters of your love
I turned into equipped to roll for your door
regrettably it turned into now no longer a window nor a door

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It makes me now no longer to recognise in which you're coming from
You aren't the individual I idea you had been you're an air the speaks to my ears

I loved your voice due to the fact it's miles likes a rhythms
The tune's I can not prevent saying
coordinating the routes and merging of the season.

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