A short Story on love ❤ #1

in love •  3 years ago  (edited)


I don't know much about love but what I understand about love, I am sharing it with you guys.
Hey I'm Arsalan, i want to talk about love.
Love is a feeling. Which is not from the mind, but from the heart, love is from many feelings, including different thoughts!, Love gradually moves from affection to happiness. This strong attraction and sense of personal connection drives her to forget all this and move on with her. And it can also be considered as a way of considering someone good and presenting affection. For example, the action or expression of affection towards oneself, or towards an animal, or towards a human being is called love. True love is the one who is with you in every situation, supports you in sorrow and considers your happiness as your happiness, it is said that if there is love, then our life changes but life changes or not, it depends on the person. Is. Depends on the above, love definitely changes a person, love does not only mean that we are always with him, love should not end even if we are away from each other. In which no matter how far away, the feeling should always remain near. In today's time, there are very few people who truly love someone from their heart. But even today we see how much love and truth is between Laila and Majnu. There is no limit to their love. It can do anything in love.

"Love" is a word whose name we love. The word love is that feeling that we never want to lose. There is such positive energy in this word that makes us happy mentally. sometimes it hurts

The ancient Greeks have explained love in four ways, in which it is kinship, friendship, romantic and divine love. Love is often combined with lust and as an interpersonal relationship is weighed down with romantic overtones, love is also weighed down by friendship. Generally love is a feeling that a human being feels towards another human being.

Love is a chemical, because it is not a machine but a solution, of the seer and the vision. Only then can the vision of beauty be contained in the sight of the seer, and this is the state of love. Beauty affects the personality of man, and love is absorbed in that beauty. There is love in love. If there is no attachment, then love becomes devotion, not love.

There are seven stages of love between a man and a woman and there are seven stages of love ending. Seven stages of being in love First attraction, second thoughts, third desire to meet, fourth, wanting to be together, fifth trying to meet and talk, sixth to express together, seventh trying to live life together And finally to become life partner. Seven steps to end love First dislike each other's thoughts and actions Second quarrel Third hatred Fourth distance from each other Fifth thinking to end the relationship Seventh separation Trying to separate.

If the mood of love between lover and girlfriend is always the same then life becomes more lovely.

But some marriages cannot be separated because their soul is one, which is one from within, they cannot be separated from outside.

                To be continue.....
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