A short Story on love ❤ #2

in love •  3 years ago 


Hey blurt family, I'm Arsalan7
In the previous post, I am doing some things of love between you, which I wrote from the bottom of my heart, today I am sharing some things ahead of it with you.
If you guys have not read my previous post then this is its link please read it once.
A short Story on love ❤ #1So let me share some more things with you today about love..

So the first thing that happens is Impersonal love
A person can love any thing, or any element, or any goal to which he is attached or respected. A person can also love an object, animal or act with which he feels a personal connection and wants to be associated with himself. Impersonal love is not the same as ordinary love, it is the attitude of the soul of the human soul that produces a calm mental attitude towards others which is expressed by feelings of kindness, restraint, [[forgiveness][ and compassion etc. In general terms, impersonal love is the behavior of a person towards others. Therefore, impersonal love is based on a person's attitude towards an object.

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Mutual love
The love between human beings is called mutual love. It is not just a desire for each other but a powerful feeling. The love which is never exchanged, we call it irrevocable love. Such love is between family members, friends and lovers. Reciprocal relationship is a strong, deep and close association between two human beings. This relationship has always been formed or created due to the reasons of solidarity, regular business interaction or social commitment. They are influenced by social, cultural and other factors. This context varies according to family, kinship, friendship, marriage, co-worker, work, neighbor and temple-mosque. It may be regulated by law or by custom and mutual agreement. It is the basis of social groups and society.

To be continue. . . . . .

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