Losing Our Cult #19: There is no such thing as...

in losingourcult •  last month 

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No such thing as illegal Immigrants.

What? How could that be? What do you mean there is no illegal immigrants?

That's correct. There is no such thing as illegal immigrants just as much as there is no such thing as legal immigrants. I'll explain further below but if this is a new concept for you to swallow then there is some red pills you must take.

Yes, there is such thing as immigrants and no, it has nothing to do with legalese.

An immigrant is simply an individual who is moving from point A to point B usually in vast distances. Congratulations you discovered what migration is.

See them birds? How they fly to and fro from north to south. Traveling freely and all. They too are immigrants. You see it doesn't apply to just you and me. All living beings migrate eventually.

Consequently, because we have a egotistical conscious, we developed an idea or should I say the idea enveloped around our think that migration should be controlled even if it tramples over the rights of individuals such as the right to travel freely on planet earth. This is because of the dangerous superstition called authority (See the Most dangerous superstition by Larken Rose).

This topic is so taboo to most people that when I bring it up in person it usually causes such great tension against myself by doing so, that I have received real death threats and even worse people have actually attacked me physically.

Hence why I rather do this online because it's safer that way for me and for them because I am the type to retaliate against violence done unto me. And well, I rather not go through that again.

Here, where the whole world can see it if they so choose to, they are limited usually to just use words and slander and etc.

I'm easy to find by the way. Bring your worst.

If it's just me vs the world then so be it. Crucify me. It's been done already.


Understanding the fiction of legalities

To understand why there is no such thing as "illegal aliens" you have to comprehend the individual rights of every single human being. You have to get it in your head why authority does not exist. And that alone is a giant hurdle for most.

Which is why I keep bringing up Rose's book in these L.O.C.(Losing Our Cult) series and also too, Eric WhoRU William's works and Marc Stevens and his No State Project. They had a great influence on the anarchist world and on myself personally in understanding sovereignty and helping me fight my federal case against the USA and assessment of damage control, and I can't forget to thank most of all Antisocialist for bringing them to my attention during a crucial period in my life a decade ago. But that's a different story for a different day, maybe, it is a myob scenario after all.

If you can, take the authority glasses off and put on the reality sunglasses and be cool before continuing on.

Again, if you can't wrap your head around what I am going to say through out this post, then this post probably isn't for you, but then again, maybe it's exactly what you need.

On the subject of what makes an immigrant illegal.

In present times and as in olden times, a human immigrant is someone who comes from a different massive slave plantation field called a country.

A country is a slave plantation field because of what the imaginary borders represents. A line where a ruling class claims the right to rule under the fictional idea that they get this right from the individuals living within "Candy Land" (using Django as reference).

The slaves, called citizens aka servants or peasants of the ruling class, sometimes escape the confines spaces that their Shepard has built for them.

Sometimes the sheep wonder off. Perfectly natural and understandable. As I said, migration is a force of nature.

So, the ruling classes develop a system to get those sheeps back into their respective farms all whilst capitalizing and charging for the service at the expense of what the sheep has to offer.

You think the sheep herder won't take advantage of trimming their hair and milking their utters dry before returning them? Guess again. That is the whole point of trafficking the sheeple.

It has nothing to do with national security or for the safety of others. They couldn't care less about it. They want to extract value from the citi|zens at a massive reduction of price to do so. Remember, you and I are the cattle here. They only seek to profit from the heinous opportunity regardless if you have families.

The more families the marrier because they will take them too or let them be to extract their wealth later using their incarcerated loved one as bait to do so. They will use your love for the prisoner of war to get you to pay for their extortion fees.

They kidnap innocent people regardless of age and extort them and their families are under the reuse of "border crises" and immigration reforms, etc.

This whole ploy to empty out prison cells and flood in the "country" with "illegal immigrants for democratic votes" was nothing but a con game. You see, the next president has to look good for the masses. He's the one who's going to make it all better by de|port-ing "unwanted" merchandise.

If they build it then mean to fill it. If they empty it then they mean to fill it again. The wheel keeps spinning. And real value keeps flowing up the current sea. Remember also that this system is based on the ancient Phoenician Celtic system, maritime law, and others I am forgetting to mention please do yourself. Thank you.

Hence why they call it de|port. Just as ships port they deport. When they port and are stat|ion-ed they're in birth. A ship is in birth when it is parked at port. Pay attention.

A cargo ship navigates over the waters. It brings merchandise between Net-ions. When this merchandise is being carried onto land from the ship it is called birthing. The ship has given birth. Likewise, in the process of commercial goods, everything must be registered and given certificates. This is where birth certificates come from.

A mother holds her baby in her. The baby is in water. A mother ship gives birth to newborn which is, under the process of commercial goods, also given a birth certificate with a "government franchised true legal name" in all caps. The name on your birth certificate is a legal fiction. It is a bond and you're then indoctrinated into being the collateral for that bond, who will then be made responsible for all debts made under that all caps name.

It is through this manner that they enslave an entire race into involuntary servitude to the "State", but really they are noth the real owners of the name. You see the Bond that was made under your legal fiction name is really owned by the central bank of the sea, of your so called country.

The cargo now at shore, must be registered with the bank. The bank buys the merchandise and lends it to the government and puts you to work. Working for the current|sea that they print out of thin air to pay all depts and dues made by the government. It's your duty as citizens now to pay the "national dept". Be it extortion that you call taxes, or theft by putting leans on your property, or otherwise other methods, they will get their unfair share from the fruits of your labor and accomplishments.

This certificate is a legal contract. One that is void. As in not applicable. As in not a legit contract. This is why your baby self is made to sign with your foot print. To also symbolize that you have stepped on legal land and not common earth land, they do this.
I dare anyone to force the prosecutors to compare a babies foot print to your adult size foot and have them call it the same foot. It's just not possible. So can they really prove to you it's legitimacy? No. And that isn't the only reason why.

A birth certificate is illegitimate because it is a void contract. The signer must have completed understanding of what they are signing. They must be made aware of all the consequences and it must be made voluntarily.

Forcing someone to sign a contract under threat, duress and coercion makes that contract void. It doesn't become void later when disputing at court and when the judge says it's void, no. It's void at the beginning and thus recognized as thus in courts.

Don't keep your hopes up, because they will never allow such rulings to pass even if proven on the record. Most of the judges know that they have any official jurisdiction over anyone, that's why the schools are there for. To make people believe in the cyst-tem and get to believe in the fictional deity called government(which is actually just glorified mafias/cartels/gangs same difference) and recruit brain dead zombies for their horde to force others to follow in line.

The entire immigration principal is founded on lies, deception and more lies. From start to finish, inside and out, they fraudulently indoctrinated sovereign individuals into being slaves without realizing they are slaves. Once the slave ultimately believes they belong to a master they won't deny that their legal fiction is anything but themselves and not a fascist method of fictional enslavement.

Watch the short fun video below. Some of you may be very familiar with it already.

To be continued...

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  ·  last month  ·  

When I was kid I thought this illustration below was what a free country is.
