Bins & Pumpkin Seeds - The writing's on the wall

in london •  10 months ago 

Bins & Pumpkin Seeds



"No pumpkin skin on the ground, use the bins!"

Hahaha. I was in this park in London and noticed this writing on a wall. I immediately knew what they were going on about. I too have noticed an increase in this behaviour. In recent times I've noticed a lot of people eating pumpkin or sunflower seeds and dropping their skins all over the floor. All over London.

The only saving grace, and why this isn't as bad as, say, cigarette butts, is that they're biodegradable and do vanish after a while. Sometimes they are naturally cleaned by birds and insects alike. However they do look very bad and cause a lot of visual pollution, especially in London parks and communal chilling areas.




What's hilarious is that bins are ubiquitous in London parks but some people are just allergic to them I think. Walking around the corner, on the other side of the wall, there was a long bench with about ten women sat there eating seeds and, you got it, dropping the skins directly on the floor. Of course I didn't photograph them.

Peace & Love,


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You know what this is I think this is how ppl feed the London green parakeets I think lol no joke

Hahaha. I suppose. They'd love it. And these billions of ants

  ·  10 months ago  ·   (edited)

I’m impressed ppl are eating these they are hard to find with skins. Tbh I never rly have an issue with ppl dropping organic matter kind of prefer it to the bin in a way as it just dissolved back to the ground

Yeah I agree.