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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Older ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Not at all….. I think it’s perpetuated by anti semites.

It’s just ancient Aramaic Mythology.

But people use Lizard People, Global Elite, Rockefeller’s and Rothschilds as Code words for Jewish people.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

The reptilian brain is commonly known as the Basal Ganglia - and is in control of base instinct - fear, lust etc etc - it's symbology is found throughout ancient Egypt, often within images of Ptah. In the context of this post, war and fear - keeps us locked down within the Basal Ganglia. Your on the money about lizards being associated with the anti-semites - hence why I don't use the term. Plus a lot of this stuff (as I've just pointed out) is highly allegorical.

Equally, under multiple names and guises the concept of the fallen demi-god (Luciferian bloodline) can be found throughout the ancient world. From the Sumerian cylinder seals to the Cuneiform tablets, the Arkadian texts, Book of Genesis, Dogon histories, Zulu history, Assyrian texts, the Veda’s, Mayan Popul Vuh, Epic of Gilgamesh, Book of Ezekiel, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Babylonian Enuma Elish, to the Norse Eddas.

The deceased Nephilim are believed to be the demons, the gnostics call them the archons, Zoroastrians call them the Daevas, the Muslim's the Djinn, new agers the Draco's, and the Zulu's call them the Chitihouri - but don't quote me on the spelling lol :D .

Equally, bloodlines like the Rockefeller's etc etc have carried out heinous acts - they were the ones who got the whole eugenics movement going, and were funding Hitler throughout the war - not code words, verifiable facts. Population control through the Ford foundation, forced sterilisation in India, syphilis experiments on black families. They couldn't care less about the Jews - and as far as I can see, they're intent on driving hatred towards them.

In terms of older, yes much Jewish mysticism is based upon Chaldean occultism - which is itself derived from Vedism. I'm also certainly not saying it's all malevolent - I do have a problem with how they're using occultic principles to socially engineer the direction of society.

Anyway, no worries if we view the world differently, it's what makes it go round and sharpen the essence of who we are. You're smart (I knew you were far more aware than you were letting on, I was just waiting for you to reveal it) and have a good heart - keep spreading the love. Thank you for the chat -and have a lovely day. :)