Inadequate neighbor⁠⁠

in live •  2 years ago 

I did not think that the first post will be in a negative way. Yes, that's brought, I want to speak out and, perhaps, get advice.

A year ago, he moved with his wife and child (1.8 years) to a new home. Beautiful apartment, the area suits, everything is fine. Then, within three months, complaints flew at us from a neighbor downstairs. The nature of the complaints was simply ridiculous, as if a person is mocking:
Turn off the stove, because the ceiling in her apartment is heated from it. We have a modern stove, which does not heat up at all from below.
Turn off the air conditioner because it makes a lot of noise. Checked - barely audible on the street how it works. The street noise is definitely louder. This claim has been called dozens of times...
Well, and the cherry on the cake: a whole team of inspectors came to inspect our toilet. According to the neighbor, we "hang on the riser with the whole family, bending it," so she has a crooked one. That's right. We hang. On the stand. The whole family.
Of course, the measurements showed that everything is fine with us. Then the check came a few more times. They offered to break the tiles in the toilet for a more detailed inspection. They are required to check every application, even such a crazy one. Of course, they refused to spoil our toilet room.
The first bell from her rang one fine morning at 11 o'clock. We had music playing and she said it was too loud. Although the volume was more than adequate, I, as a non-confrontational person, simply turned off the music. Didn't scold.
Then there were a lot of entries. I have a guitar and when I took it in my hands to play a calm melody to a child (he was still a year old at the time and it calmed him very much), a neighbor immediately came running. At what it was always in the daytime! When by law you can even make noise. Well... I stopped picking up the guitar altogether. It is not comfortable to know that someone who does not want to hear hears you. However, the visits did not stop! While I was at work, my wife wrote to me almost once a week that a neighbor was coming. Including about the guitar, which is put away on the closet and which only I play.
When my wife was in the hospital for 10 days and I was sitting with the child, she came to me somehow at 11 pm. - Guitar! You hear? - No, I say, I do not hear. But how you call me at the door at 11, when I have complete silence and from 21 o'clock the child is sleeping - I hear it.

In general, politeness always has a limit. On a certain day, when I was at home, and she again came to complain about the noise, at 16 o'clock - I sent her. He asked me to leave me and my family alone. He threatened to let me down the stairs if he came again.

Well... She stopped walking for a while. And then she wrote a statement to the police on the threat of life. And while I was at work, my wife talked with the police squad, who quickly realized that we did not have a very adequate lady from below. They told my wife that the neighbor had dashed off a huge statement, where she painted in colors how I promised to PURGE HER WITH GASOLINE and set it on fire. A healthy person would never think of such a thing!

Then there was another call already to my wife, when again I was not at home, and then my wife sent her.

The most charming thing is that the neighbor has two big dogs. Which sometimes howl for several hours. Looks like they are asking for a walk. On one of those days, when the dogs howled again, the father of his wife could not stand it anymore. Heard this when he came to visit us and went to deal with her. Then, for the second time, a police squad came to my wife, who was tortured by all this shit. Again a statement on threats to life, again the nerves of his wife.

Recently, she just hammers on the battery and something (apparently with a stick) into her ceiling. It has nothing to do with noise whatsoever. She hammers in the morning when we are all still sleeping (such an alarm clock), hammers a child during a night's sleep, hammers just like that ... I'm constantly at work, but my wife goes crazy from such tyranny. The heart already hurts, drinks a course of treatment.

I tried to go to her when it was time before work - she does not open and pretends that she is not at home. Further crossed paths with her in the elevator recently. In her words, "we will communicate in court." She also wished death on me, my wife and child ... There is apparently zero adequacy there.

The police can't do anything, they just take applications and that's it. Silence.

Peekaboo power, tell me what can be done? Please do not throw off the recipes for all sorts of intrigues, like pouring rotten eggs into the door with a syringe and so on. I don't want to be guided by malice, revenge... I just want my family to be left alone. And I don't really know what to do.

Thanks for reading.

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