Why do snakes come when you plant fragrant flowers? Is that really true?

in life •  3 years ago 

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In folk tales, snakes are fascinated by the smell of hasnahena or fragrant flowers and come running from far and wide. In fact, the snake's sense of smell is very weak. Snakes do not have the olfactory power to be captivated by the smell of hasnahena or any fragrant flower. There are many folk tales prevalent in our society with this sense power of snakes.

You may have heard such stories or some have even seen with your own eyes that snakes are lying under the fragrant flower tree - it is true. So it would not be right to think that the snake is lying there attracted by the smell of flowers. The fact is that these fragrant flowers contain a kind of honey which is the main food of various insects. And for these insects, these flowers come to the tree or under the tree, some insect-like animals - such as lizards, spiders, kunobang, etc. And these insects are the favorite food of snakes! Snakes usually do not move much after eating, so they rest for a while under the flower tree. When we look at this situation, we think that we are fascinated by the smell of flowers and realize that the snake has come to the bottom of the tree. It is this extraordinary rule of the food chain that has created the one-man story in our society.

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