The Impact Of Attitude Accessibility On Behavior And Self-Esteem

in life •  4 years ago 

In psychology, attitude is an intangible psychological construct, an entity that characterizes an individual, or inheres in them that determines their level of motivation, persistence, and the like. Irrespective of how bright a person may be, there is always an underlying factor that determines his attitude. They are an innate and complex psychological state obtained through positive experiences and are thus relatively complex and multifaceted.

Attitude, unlike behavior, can change with the slightest modification in circumstances. For instance, when an individual loses his job, it does not mean that he will forever stay jobless. His past experiences, the work he has done, his performance at his previous jobs, and so on, determine his attitude now and in the future. Therefore, the attitude cannot be changed by simply wishing it away. On the other hand, one can alter his attitude by altering the circumstances in which he has lived his life.

Attitude is affected by two independent but interacting cognitive components. The first component is what is commonly known as the attitude component. This refers to the set of beliefs about oneself and one's place in the social hierarchy. These beliefs can be positive or negative. The more positive the attitude, the more apt a person is to succeed socially.

Conversely, the second component of attitude is what is commonly referred to as the cognitive component. This refers to ones internal state of mind and perception. It is the foundation of all his actions and reactions. Attitude is influenced by the emotions that one has toward various events and situations. This can be positive or negative, although in most cases, people tend to perceive good events in a positive light and bad events in a negative light.

When a person has conflicting beliefs about himself and his place in the society in general, his cognitive dissonance will lead to behavior that is inappropriate. He will behave in ways that are counter-productive to his overall goals and desires. In most cases, this behavior will not seem all that wrong because his attitudes are the result of his cognitive dissonance. For example, if a man believes that he is highly successful and wealthy, his attitude will be one of superiority and success, which will cause him to act in a highly assertive manner.

The good news is that attitudes can easily be changed. Attitude can be changed on a day-to-day basis through proper education, self-improvement and positive imagery. Positive psychologists such as Dr. Norman Vincent Peal and Prof. Philip Zimbardo have proven that people can be led to be much better members of society simply by altering their attitude and changing their behavior. Changing one's attitude and behavior is not a quick fix for bad behavior but it is an area in which good psychology can make a real difference.

A change in attitude may not immediately alter someone's behavior but it can have a profound impact on how they perceive the world around them. An attitude that is positive and confident influences behavior in a positive way. Attitude accessibility has a direct impact on the quality of life and is the first step towards creating improved interpersonal relationships. It is also the foundation for a satisfying and successful life. An attitude that is full of positive emotion influences behavior that is positive and encourages achievement and success.

We all have attitudes and beliefs that are deeply held. They dictate our actions and the outcomes of those actions. There are times when these beliefs and attitudes will contribute positively to our lives and times when they will have a negative impact. The good news is that these beliefs and attitudes can be changed. Changing your attitude and changing your behaviors is a simple matter of training your mind to think and act differently.

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