How To Visualize Yourself Succeeding In Any Area

in life •  3 years ago 

Visualize yourself succeeding before you get there. Have a goal-setting session in your head, write it down, review it often, and then practice it. When you visualized yourself achieving your goal before you got to where you wanted to go, you put yourself in the proper mind frame to really accomplish that goal. When you're actually trying to get somewhere, it's hard to visualize yourself succeeding because you're too close to it. So take a minute, sit down, and visualize yourself accomplishing your goal.

How can you do this? Well, start by thinking about what the end result will be when you achieve your goal. Think about how great it feels to get there, or to reach your desired end state. Imagine the energy, the drive, the jump, the fist pump, the raise... whatever it is that you would like to feel. This allows your brain to picture what you want and then it gets into your subconscious.

You know how visualization works, right? By seeing yourself doing something in the future as good as possible, you feed the law of attraction to make your goal come true. Think about yourself doing things the way you want to be. If you can visualize yourself getting there and then following through with your goal, it makes it easier for the mind to get you there.

There are different ways you can use visualization to get where you want to go. You could visualize yourself writing a new report, winning the lottery, or driving a new car. Just make sure you don't mix up the actual words with the visualization. This makes it too confusing for your conscious mind to follow. So write the goal or the affirmation, and then visualize the goal or outcome.

The main thing is to just imagine it. This is all the visualization you need to succeed in anything. It doesn't matter if it's about dieting, going for that new job, or loving life again. Just picture yourself doing it. Make it as vivid as possible.

I usually like to visualize the finished article, movie, video, or presentation. Whatever it is I picture myself in the same room, at the same time, and saying those words. Then I can focus on the picture, I have created in my mind. I try to say the whole thing, but only a few words at a time at first. It helps to repeat the word several times so it's not a foreign concept.

Don't be afraid of it. In fact, once you start to visualize it, you'll probably find yourself saying it more. Try to be realistic with it and don't get carried away. Focus on what you picture, not on what you actually do.

If after visualizing the success, the thought of actually having it comes across to you, then you're on track! And you've just proven one of the biggest laws of attraction has its own way of working. And it's working on you.

The most important thing you need to do to actually get there, is to actually visualize the success. This is where visualization comes in. You might find it hard to visualize it initially. You might even end up getting frustrated with yourself because you just can't seem to visualize yourself getting the success. But just look at it this way.

By visualizing yourself succeeding, you are actually training your subconscious mind to accept that success will come. Your subconscious mind is much more powerful than your conscious mind. By using your subconscious mind, you can actually use positive affirmations and visualization to manifest the success. So make a list of things that you have always wanted and make sure you put the picture of that success in your house.

Now go ahead and do it! Take the picture of that success and put it in front of a mirror. Sit comfortably and imagine the steps you took to get to that point. See yourself looking back with pride.

And remember that visualization doesn't have to be just about the picture. You can also talk about your goals to create a more positive thought process. You can also talk about the challenges that you have overcome in your past. Visualize yourself getting there each day and you will find it easier to make those visualizations come true.

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