A Willing to Make an Effort and Take a Risk - A Greater Risk Factor Than You Think

in life •  4 years ago 

Are you someone who has a willingness to make an effort and take a chance rather than assuming? If so, it means that you are willing to take a chance when it comes to your financial security. It also means that you have the willpower to follow through. This may mean that you are willing to start small and build up your savings. Or, that you are willing to forego certain things in life to ensure your security.

Do you like to gamble or drink? If you are, then chances are that you would rather take a risk than assume. Even though it is difficult to avoid risk, you can be certain that if you are willing to take a risk, you are more likely to get rewarded. Of course, you would never sacrifice the things you enjoy in order to avoid risk.

Another example is driving. If you have a strong sense of adventure, you may not want to take a risk by driving the same route every day. In fact, if you have lived by the seat of your pants, it is quite likely that you would refuse to take a risk in this area. As with most things, the key is in the willingness. The willingness to take a risk could be as simple as deciding to stop at a red light instead of continuing down the road.

How about your love life? Do you find that you like to gamble or drink? Do you take risks when it comes to dating? Or, do you assume everything will go smoothly? If so, you are making a mistake. You are probably missing out on a lot of fun.

The point of this article is that you should do what you can to reduce your risk factor. If you do not take a risk you will never learn anything. Even the smartest people have failed many times. There are no guarantees in life. You are going to meet some pretty smart people, but you will also meet those who are just plain bad luck. The important thing is that you recognize that if you are willing to take a chance, you may very well make a difference in your life.

The willingness to make an effort and take a risk rather than assuming is probably one of the most important qualities that people need if they want to have a successful career. Unfortunately, it is easier said than done. When it comes to being a success there are almost no guarantees. You really need to make sure that you look at any opportunity with a lot of skepticism.

It's interesting, when I was growing up I always heard that if you want to be a good lawyer or doctor you should assume nothing and just take the risk. You never could tell what the future had in store. I know that sounds a little bit crazy now, but think about it. A lawyer or doctor never knows what is going to happen tomorrow. The same goes for a business man. He never knows what is going to happen next unless he acts on something, but you can never be too careful.

So, a willingness to make an effort and take a risk rather than assuming is a great trait to have. Just make sure that you don't act on your gut feelings. Do your research, understand what you are getting into and you will do well. Good luck and may the force be with you!

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