The Benefits of Volunteering: Giving Back to Others and Yourself

in life •  last year 

I don't think we ever think about giving back as much as we could. But the truth is, volunteering helps us all.

There is so much good you can do by helping others.

Let's look at some of the benefits.

  1. It feels good. No doubt about it, and it doesn't take much time either.

  2. You meet people you might not otherwise meet. This is one of the most important things I've ever done. I'm a better person today because of all the people I've met through volunteering.

  3. You learn skills you didn't know you had. If you haven't volunteered before, start now.

  4. It opens you up to new experiences. When you volunteer, you'll do things that challenge you.

  5. You meet people who will become your friends forever. And that's priceless.

  6. You'll see the real world from a different perspective. You'll have a front row seat to how life actually works.

  7. You help yourself by getting out of your comfort zone. You'll meet people and situations you wouldn't normally have encountered.

  8. You feel proud of yourself. No one is perfect, and the good you can do is incredible.

  9. You gain confidence in your ability. You'll get plenty of chances to prove your worth, and you'll never feel worthless again.

  10. You build friendships that last a lifetime.

  11. You strengthen family bonds.

  12. You make a difference.

  13. You learn things you didn't know you could learn.

  14. You're giving back. There is no better feeling than knowing you're helping others.

These benefits aren't exclusive to volunteering. Do you have any ideas to add? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!

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