Life is becoming difficult day by day , What's the Solution to fight back ?

in life •  3 years ago 



On one hand there are people learning to live with this condition and on the other hand there are people for whom life is becoming difficult day by day.

People are giving up already on this situation and what else can they do ?

How can we even ask those people to have patience , they are seeing their children and family dying in front in their eyes.

How broken it might feel , and what's the solution ?

Work from home is a solution and it's working for many of us , people like us who earn online but what about people who are dependent on field work and those who have lost their jobs.

There have been tough times before as well but do you know how poor people face those situations , see the below photograph.



Difficult time was not a problem for them because they know how to fight and overcome that.

but what people are facing today is not just a tough time , it is disastrous , it is unbearable , it is killing people's mind and soul.

The media has played a great role in brainwashing people and filling their hearts with fear. they have made us think negative all the time.

This is one of the reasons i see due to which we are suffering so much loss and believe me negativity is playing it's role here for sure.

Try to stay positive all the time , don't give up and remember that you are not alone.

we are all in the same river so stay strong and positive , that's all i can say.

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