calmness is thousand times better then hurry !

in life •  3 years ago 

Never try to do something in hurry because that will always spoil your work. What can be a great lesson for a child , it can be a lesson that teach him how to utilise time wisely.

Doing things on time will automatically help you to avoid this hurry things but if you waste time and don't utilise it wisely you will choose a path where you will hurry.

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kids who study in school pile up their homework until the date of submitting the homework comes and then they do the work of one month in one day.

This will do nothing good for them , they will have headache , less sleep , and a fear of getting scolded by the teachers.

Can you relate to the above situation ? We all go through this thing in our school life itself and still if we don't learn from it , is our fault.

When you are in hurry you can make mistakes more oftenly compared to when you are calm.

In life we all have time , it is just that we don't utilise it properly and we don't do justice to it. To avoid the hurry thing just take a pledge that you will utilise time properly.

I get your entire war will be won just by utilising the time properly. That is all want to share with all the readers today and always remember that calmness is thousand times better then hurry !


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