Overcoming Adversity: Strategies for Resilience and Success

in life •  2 years ago 

Adversity is a part of life. This isn't something that you have to live through, it's something that happens to you.

In this article, I'll share some key strategies that can help you overcome adversity and succeed.

STEP 1: Find a Motivation

The first thing you need to do is find a motivation for this change in mindset. What do you want to accomplish by changing your way of thinking?

When I started to think about writing more professionally, my motivation came from the desire to have more opportunities. I wanted to avoid being stuck working in an entry-level job my entire career.

My motivation was so strong that I even decided to move to a new city where I wouldn't have access to the friends and family that helped me launch my career.

STEP 2: Become Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable means that you're ready to change your mindset. You need to be able to recognize your discomfort and not fear it.

What this means is that you can't spend your whole life working on autopilot. Instead, you need to intentionally work on improving your mindset.

One of the most important things to remember is that it's never too late to change your mindset. Even if you've been doing the same routine for years, you're never too far gone.

STEP 3: Start Small

This step is incredibly important for overcoming adversity. It's important to start small by taking small steps towards your goal. If you're trying to write a book and you don't even know how to spell, it's much harder to get motivated.

This is why it's important to break down your goals into smaller milestones. For example, instead of saying "write a book" try to break that down into smaller goals such as "write a blog".

Start with the smallest goal and work your way up to the next one. When you start feeling overwhelmed, take a step back and review your progress. Don't give up when you feel discouraged, instead learn from these experiences and move on.

STEP 4: Keep Improving

Once you're comfortable being uncomfortable, it's important to continue improving. In this case, it means continuing to read and practice new skills. If you've been practicing your skills for 10 years but still aren't a very good writer, then you're definitely not ready to write a book.

So continue learning and practicing, even if you're not doing well. If you're struggling, keep reading, practicing and improving.

Overcoming adversity is a process, but it's a process worth pursuing.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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