Is It Okay to Ask Someone's Age?

in life •  2 years ago 

There are several reasons to ask someone their age. You might want to know how old they were when a major event happened, such as a presidential election. You can also ask them how old they were when a big scandal hit the news. If you're not in a position to ask someone's age, you can always ask a mutual friend or acquaintance.

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Can you ask someone's age without being rude?
Asking someone's age is not a very polite question to ask, especially if you don't know the person well. There is a lot of cultural and social pressure that makes asking a person's age unwelcome. It has been considered impolite by many people throughout history, and it is particularly insensitive when asked to a woman.

For example, you may not want to ask someone's age at a job interview, and this can be viewed as impolite. It also makes a woman feel uncomfortable. Asking a woman's age in the United States is considered an example of age discrimination. Many women feel stereotyped by society due to their gender, and they don't want to have their age influence their perception of who they are.

While people tend to be shy about their age, it's possible to get around this awkwardness by asking someone's age. If the person seems to be comfortable with answering this question, you can move on. Otherwise, you should try to consider the age of the person before asking.

Is it okay to ask someone's age in an interview?
There are some cases where asking someone's age during an interview is legal, but there are also exceptions. For example, if the candidate is applying for a bartender's job, the employer must make sure that they are 18 years old or older. The hiring manager may not be aware that the question is inappropriate and may have ulterior motives.

Although asking someone's age during an interview is not illegal in most situations, it is usually not the best idea. You should always explain your reasons before asking someone's age. In addition, it is important to be polite when asking this question. You should use your tone, body language, and choice of words to convey that you are respectful of the other person's age.

In some cases, employers are under the legal obligation to verify citizenship and immigration status before hiring a foreign worker. However, it's important to remember that an age verification question doesn't need to be on the application form. However, if the sole purpose of asking an applicant's age is to screen out applicants, an employer may be committing discrimination.

Is it polite to ask someone's age?
Asking someone's age is often considered impolite and makes the other person uncomfortable. In the United States, asking a person's age is frowned upon. This is because many women feel stereotyped based on their age and do not want to let this affect their perceptions.

You should always ask for permission before you ask someone's age. You should also explain why you need to know their age. However, you should always remain polite when asking someone's age. This includes your choice of words, the tone you use and the way you carry yourself.

While asking a person's age may not seem polite in some cultures, it is generally okay in others. While it may be acceptable to ask someone's age when you're meeting them for the first time, it's not polite to ask their age when you're in public places. For example, asking someone's age in a job interview could offend the person.

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