How to Grow Your Compassion

in life •  3 years ago 

Start by noticing when you're feeling compassion and when you're not. Are you resisting pain, minimizing suffering, or judging someone? When you're not aware of how you're making a compassionate connection with others, try to make a conscious effort to avoid these behaviors. If you notice that you're resisting pain or suffering, try to make a conscious effort to stop it.

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If you want to grow your compassion toward people, you first need to change the way you think about others. Start by appreciating the good things about other people, and understand their weaknesses. Listen with care. You can only grow your compassion when you're aware of other people's feelings. Eventually, you'll begin to feel empathy for those who are different from you, and you'll find that you have a wider perspective on humanity.

If you're feeling compassionate toward others but hate them, the next step is to stop judging them. It takes a lot of practice, but if you can practice it, you'll be a better role model for yourself and others. You can become more understanding and more empathetic by focusing on your own shortcomings. Eventually, you'll find that compassion isn't a choice; it's a state of mind.

The hardest part of growing compassion is feeling sympathy for the people you dislike. Unless you have a deep desire to help them, you'll find yourself reacting negatively toward them. Instead of reacting in this way, switch the emotion to compassion. The goal is to develop a new awareness of how others experience things and how they are treated. When you can feel compassion for the people you don't like, you'll notice that their actions and words are more helpful.

It's also important to practice compassion toward people you dislike. It can be difficult to feel compassion for people you don't like, but it is a valuable skill to develop. By practicing compassion for people you'll learn to treat yourself with kindness and respect. There is no need to judge, or to feel pity for those you dislike. It's all about being aware. It's a great way to make friends and grow your compassion.

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Once you're aware of the person you dislike, you can train your compassion. If you're having trouble feeling compassion for someone you don't like, you can ask for support from a friend. A good friend can help you stay on track and help you troubleshoot when you're feeling unkind. This way, you'll have a greater sense of empathy for the person you don't like.
There are many ways to recognize goodness in our lives. It's about our character - honesty, integrity, generosity, moral courage, etc. We are good when we treat other people with kindness, generosity, and respect. We can recognize this goodness by recognizing how we treat others. For example, when we give to others, they'll feel appreciated, and their generosity will make a difference to them. It's a powerful feeling and we should strive to emulate it.

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