Everyone's afraid of risk.

in life •  last year 

Risk takers are always more successful than risk avoiders, so if you want to make big changes, it's vital to learn how to navigate risk.

Here are some tips that will help you master the art of risk and achieve the things you really want in life.

  1. Take Risks - If you can't afford to fail, you don't need to try.

When people say "fear of failure" it means that the person is afraid of losing money, or not being successful at something, which is an entirely different thing. So what about the risks that actually could lead to failure? If you can't afford to lose money, and are unwilling to go through a learning process to get where you want to be, then there is little point in trying to get there.

  1. Don't Think About Failure, Just Move On

If you think too much about a risk, or what might happen, it can become paralyzing. Instead, try to keep your mind focused on the future, what you want, and the steps you are taking to get there.

  1. Stop Trying to Perfect Your Plans

Most plans are worthless without execution.

Planning is a useful skill, but often leads to paralysis because you feel the need to get everything perfect before moving forward. That's what causes us to second guess our decisions.

Don't worry about making a mistake, because the best plan has flaws. You can fix those flaws later. The trick is to not think about them and get moving.

  1. Make Atonement for Mistakes

Mistakes are inevitable. You can't completely avoid them. It's better to find a way to live with mistakes than to let them cause you stress.

One technique I use is to focus on one tiny step at a time. If I find myself getting overwhelmed and starting to second guess my decision, I remind myself of the first tiny step I took that brought me here. This stops me from feeling overwhelmed and frees me to move forward.

  1. Create a Sense of Urgency

A sense of urgency gives you the confidence to take action.

The biggest risk a person can take is waiting until everything is perfect. When it's all done, you'll be too late.

  1. Learn To Love Failure

You are not going to be successful 100% of the time. If you think you are, you are probably trying too hard.

I've worked with numerous people who have been successful in business by learning to love failure. By this, I mean, failing fast, and learning from those failures. This doesn't mean that you give up. It just means you realize that mistakes are normal, and you learn from them.

  1. Find Your Passion

There's nothing worse than a person who only wants to do something because they think it will make them rich.

Once you know what you want, you can start building your dream. Once you understand what you love, you are

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  ·  last year  ·  

Even me.