Celebrate the Small Things!

in life •  3 years ago 

Why should we celebrate the small things in our lives? Well, I'll tell you why. Because by celebrating the small things, we can learn from them, grow from them, and improve upon them. This applies to family, friends, and even work situations. In fact, by celebrating the small things in our lives, we can make our life better in so many ways.

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By celebrating the small things, we are improving our ability to focus. We are getting better at managing our time. We are becoming more appreciative of each little thing that comes our way. By focusing on the small things in our lives, we are being more appreciative of all that we do have. And by doing so, we're more motivated to want to do more with our time.

By celebrating the small things in our lives, we are giving ourselves a deadline for each accomplishment. Each achievement reminds us that we can and will make it big! If we don't take each victory personally, then we will lose our momentum and be too tired to move forward. By celebrating each achievement, we keep reminding ourselves how close we are to reaching our goals.

By celebrating the small things in our lives, we remind ourselves how special we really are. After all, isn't this exactly what we want out of life? To be appreciated, to be admired, and to be adored. We want to feel valued, wanted, and needed - and we can do that when we do the small things right. So, why not go for it?

By celebrating the small things in our lives, we can develop a stronger sense of who we are. We can develop a stronger sense of who we want to become. We can develop a stronger sense of what kind of person we want to be by celebrating the little things in our lives on a regular basis. Why wait until it is too late to do the right thing?

When we see the world through rose colored glasses, we can't help but get lost in it. Instead of looking inside, finding a mirror, we look out from a distance. The reflection we see in our minds' eye is not necessarily the truth. We need to get very clear on what it is we want before we can achieve it.

By celebrating the small things in our lives, we are less likely to see or allow frustration to enter our lives. frustration can blind us to what is really important in our lives. If we allow frustration to blind us, it will keep us from getting to the really important stuff in our lives. By celebrating, we are giving ourselves permission to touch the important stuff, to speak the truth, to take action, to touch our lives in a positive way.

Don't we deserve to have peace in our lives? Isn't that what we work for? Every day we wake up, we should be excited and proud of who we are. Let's make this day a celebration of all that we are.

One great way to celebrate the small things in your life is by making baskets for Mom, for Dad, for kids, and for the women in your life. Gourmet cookies, decadent brownies for mom on Mother's Day, homemade soap, beautiful flower bouquets for mom on Valentine's Day, and homemade potpourri for mom on Mother's Day are just a few treats you can give your mom for celebrating her accomplishments. There is a very popular and fun basket making tradition that is celebrated every Mother's Day. You could even add another treat for dad, such as an engraved watch, or a coffee mug with a special message for dad. Making baskets for mom and for the women in your life does not have to be limited to traditional gift baskets. You can use a colorful quilt to make an impressive centerpiece for any table.

How many times do you find yourself in a predicament where you are presented with two or more gifts, both of which you believe are just small and insignificant? I have been there! I found out years ago that not all items presented as gifts are small and insignificant. Many times, the items were treasures that had been long treasured, but given the situation, they couldn't be returned or re-sold because they were too small. I was delighted when my sister discovered the beauty and love of vintage jewelry some time ago.

It took a lot of convincing, but mom finally agreed to allow me to make a gift basket for her on Mother's Day so that she could receive the perfect Mother's Day gift. I made an arrangement of some of her favorite jewelry from her childhood and gave it all to her in a beautiful bejeweled wicker basket. After setting the wicker basket on the table, I took extra time to embellish it with a ribbon in her favorite color. What a great way to celebrate my sister's achievements and love!

The key to making a meaningful and memorable Mother's Day is to celebrate the small things that really matter. By keeping her favorite things as collectibles and gifts, I was able to not only show her appreciation, but also put a smile on her face. That is what really matters!

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