I'm back, sorta.

in life •  4 years ago  (edited)


Since I have an account anyhow, and I get the urge to write things I might as well transfer all of my energy previously going to posts on facebook and my facebook blog page instead to here.

I have no idea what is happening with the project, as in my previous post, I am out of the project. I was being funded some to do this work but after what happened I refuse to continue to associate myself with it, my reputation is shitty enough already, I'm trying to get somewhere.

It almost seems like I wasted the last 2 years of my life on Parallelcoin. Yes, I learned how to do a lot of cool stuff, I'm pretty much intermediate level with Go programming with all kinds of relevant types of algorithms and services for cryptocurrency, and the parallelcoin upgraded server, ready to roll out a hard fork, is pretty much tested and ready, but without funding I can't work on it no more than I can work on anything to do with Blurt.

I'm not much of a salesman, I tend to be very - often unnecessarily - honest about everything, and while I am a good programmer, I am shit at managing my money and anyway, I have this terrible habit of not asking enough. I would be in an entirely different situation and probably people would already be using apps built by me for Blurt by now if I had just asked for another 150€ a month, which would have allowed me to go straight into some proper housing situation. Instead I was unable to, ran nearly to zero every month, begged for a one-time extra bit to do it, was refused, and eventually, the whole account spam issue came up and after watching that spectacle I was done working for @jacobgadikian.


I've got about 200€ spare, spare if you understand that to mean, that I'm back in Sofia, and I know this town pretty much inside and out, and I have lived here about a 9 months, through a summer and winter, homeless, and I'm going to do it again.

So this is now my de-facto Stalker Chronicles blog now. No idea how often I can post, at this point I have to reorient, things have of course changed a lot around here in the last 4 years so I may not even be able to get power to run my devices for a few days. Probably I will not have much trouble though.

I am going to create an offline, paper wallet to send my 200€ to, have a QR code to send and to check its current value. With the cyclical nature of Bitcoin prices, based on its halving cycle, there is a very good chance that within 6 months, at most 12, it is worth more than 5x as much and with that I will be able to get into an apartment, preferably in a small town.

I have unfriended everyone on facebook except my close family and best mate, unfollowed everything, and I'm staying away from that vile thing permanently. Thus, I need to blog, so here I am.

I hope to be able to get some opportunity to code when I find a covered, probably underground spot where I can run my pc and grab necessary whatsits to work on code for the Decred project. Specifically I started to work on some bugs on a new GUI wallet called GoDCR, hopefully I can clear a few issues and maybe the leader of that project will sponsor me.

It's just really not an option for me to do anything other than go full stalker again and wander the streets scavenging for my dinner. I can't bear to see another bunch of my money go into the toilet (literally, since that's what food does) and then be without anything.

I was staying at a place in a village near Shumen, in the east of Bulgaria. But the guy I was staying with was a silly kid, 22 year old, half gypsy orphan, well, he knows his parents but they abandoned him. He loves this super shitty, gutter talk, autotune hiphop shit, that makes me sick, he is addicted to caffeine and keeps me up past the time I need to sleep to not wind up becoming a sleepless angry mohnster. At my age, I don't need this.

There was work I could get, of course. Farm work, building work. But with my not so great bulgarian, and the attitudes I get from some people sometimes, I was very unsure that I would have been able to get to the baseline. It would have been nice though. Shepherding, milking sheep... I may be wrong and may decide I want to go back there, or somewhere. I would love to keep sheep.

Supposedly the shepherding is the least preferred of the available jobs out there. Not sure why. I watch the shepherds trundling around with their flock across the paddocks and it seems like very pleasant, albeit maybe at times boring. But I love animals and I think I would have been ok with it. I got along well with every (older) person I met out there.

But some of the things they asked for were a bit dodgy, like, this one guy, he wanted someone to go out and swipe a bunch of blue plums from someone's orchard, it wouldn't have been hard, but to have got caught, as a foreigner, i would have been in deep shit, no matter who asked me to do it.

Meh, I'm back in Sofia, a place I know, and I'm shunning all my old friends, as they have done absolutely nothing that any normal reasonable friend, in my past experience, would do, and they whine like little bitches about what little they do that achieves nothing. Hence I have dropped them all from my facebook messenger as well. If I see them, well, I'll talk to them but as far as they are concerned, I am nobody, and I am nowhere, because that's as much friendship as they have demonstrated to me. Oh yes they all moan about how this person and that person says they can't have the most civilised possible guest staying in one of their several potential apartments or properties that their family owns.

I got tired of asking, and hearing this sob story so I'm done with them.

And furthermore, I'm not doing business with friends ever again. They are always the worst business partners. Whether it is for housing or for computer programming, if you are my friend, fuck off, don't even talk about it. I'll prefer to deal with people who are serious about business, cos it seems I have a bad habit of liking people who have no business sense at all.

Well, that's me for now, I better wind this up and not burn up all my remnant blurts from my witness service.


I got a bunch of angry messages from someone over this post... I can only speculate a connection to that with a sudden and unexplained removal from a certain matrix chat. Ah politics. It seems that Taleb's aphorism about friends and enemies applies. I certainly won't be stupid enough to make agreements to be paid less than I need to live on in future.

My plan to hodl until the bulls boost me up still stands so it is likely to be months before I am in a position to do very much. Some people clearly reject the idea that a programmer cannot work while in unsuitable environments, a programmer himself, who clearly has some sort of reading disability, for someone who reads code. I was not in any way unclear and raised the issue repeatedly in private before I came to the point I started writing about it in my blog here.

All he wanted to say was that 'he paid me what he said he would pay me, plus a bit more' and I never said that he didn't, but after a month in airbnb, which I agree was a waste of money, I was trying to find an apartment but when I did the sums, I was left with not enough to cover the necessary initial costs setting up a kitchen (pots, pans, cutlery, china), setting up internet services, and covering my food costs, and I started to ask for a supplement to cover the double amount required for starting a rental contract. Here in Sofia, that was 800BGN, leaving 400BGN to pay for a month's food and sundries like tobacco. Sofia is not nearly as cheap as it was when I first came, rents and food costs have basically doubled. So I tried relocating upon the third payment I received, at first staying briefly in the cheapest hostel in the country (12BGN/night, 6€), discovered I was already starting to come up short.

Anyway, it's all just a lesson. I have repeated this same error of not asking for this condition specifically, a small, booster amount to cover that security deposit on the apartment as part of my initial payment, and had the same result. So I am the fool here.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

If we can figure out some concrete deliverables, I would consider paying you directly to work on Zapata, if you're interested.

You and I were there from day 0 basically with Blurt, and then, as fate would have it, we end up with not much Blurt, yet we still like and blog on Blurt.

But thankfully this is crypto, and there is infinite opportunity.

And some crazy guys want to build 500 (social) Chains!

Well, Rosetta happens to be virtually identical for either and it isn't that complicated except for balance changes without explicit transactions, eg fees and interest on stake. But probably not that complicated really.

I am not really sure what you have in mind, or what ways to start a conversation... Messenger, keybase, Viber, Schmiber, fiber. Oh, I have wire too. KB is my preference as it's paper key saved most of my digital id. l0k18 - c&p cos that has numbers

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Graphene Zapata should launch soon perhaps within a few days. Then we need a week or so to get the API up, the Web Wallet, and Block Explorer. Then ZAPA should be listed on @ionomy.

Once all that is done, we can start to look at how best to add value to the project. Rosetta is up there at the top of the list but maybe not the #1 priority.

I'm hoping that someone from 'the community' throws up a public Condenser, while I will shift my attention to building a private Condenser of sorts (doesn't have to be Condenser).

This private blockchain interface will be an exclusive, invite only type of deal at zapatasocial.com. The focus in there will be bringing Zapata (ZAPA) to market in a big way; exchanges, media/PR, ecosystem development, and crypto industry 'partnerships'.

Upvotes via our 69,000,000 ZAPA will be laser focused on (1). incentivizing a core group of killer crypto entrepreneurs, and (2). sponsoring young entrepreneurs in Nigeria.

The hope is to ensure that everyone involved at this early stage will see 500k to 1 million ZAPA.

Well, I would be interested in doing something, obviously, in Go, such as a Coinbase Rosetta middleware, which I already did start working on, before I started to realise that food costs were gonna completely break my budget there in stupid Varna tourist trap. I tried using a co-working space and that was working great but sleeping in a hammock in an abandoned outdoor disco was not doing so great for my nerves or my sleep.

I will be hunting the means to be able to do some work, of course it won't be as easy to progress with it while running on batteries and needing to sit in probably inconvenient positions in the locations where power can be found. I have one option for a place here but to use this space I would need some sort of portable power solution (solar panel, large capacity battery) and I have internet, but that would be beyond the means I currently have.

I am not sure exactly what will be possible at this point.

I will say one thing though, I hope you have enough understanding of security to not have people publishing 0days on vulnerabilities of the chain, or, the mistake that led to that, deprioritising the fix to remove RC, which was a complete and total fuckup. Or letting obvious infiltrators continue to ponce around in the chatrooms, and then publish a script that spams the chain with new nonsense accounts every block.

Enough on that.

The biggest problem I forsee is the legacy c++ code which is unweildy, complicated and ... expensive to pay for work to be done on it.

The other issue I see is that, I personally think that 10% inflation is way too high. It should be no more than 9%, and ideally around 5%, and after watching the amounts being paid on witnesses, the share split to rewards should be increased to 75% and curation eliminated. 15% to witnesses and 10% to the caretakers of the chain code.

Keeping the legacy account balances was also a huge mistake, I was glad that you weren't thinking of doing that. Blurt can't possibly be worth very much for at least 14 weeks, at minimum. Probably more like 6 months.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Welcome back dear :D