Life is an echo. If we listen, we can hear the same things being said over again. The message gets embedded into our psyche like a bad haircut. But it doesn't have to be this way. There are things we can do to stop the voice in our head saying, "Life is an echo."
Listen to your inner voice! Whether you realize it or not, your inner voice is a powerful tool for change. Listen intently to your inner wisdom. This will allow you to find more meaning in life than you ever thought possible. Every once in a while, drop what you're doing and devote some time to your inner wisdom.
If life is an echo, the voice in your head that tells you, "You'll never make it in," is being challenged daily by the choices you make. The voice continues to tell you, "This won't work out." But if you learn to listen intently to your inner voice and challenge its ideas, it soon stops speaking in fear of losing whatever it's protecting. And as life becomes more meaningful and fulfilled, the voice begins to speak with more confidence and purpose.
To make life a meaningful echo, challenge your inner voice. Listen with passion. Tell it what you want to hear. Then listen to what it says back.
If life was only about making it and living out the fantasy it invents, then everyone would be doing it. The truth is, life is much more complicated than most people believe. There are many different emotions, hopes, and dreams floating around in our world. And life has a habit of making sure those who are not living it out fully understand the turmoil it's creating.
The old-fashioned view of success was that it was based on financial achievement. The thinking was that the more you have, the better off you will be. But life rarely goes according to plan. What seemed like riches today can be a burden tomorrow. That's why it's important to keep a wider perspective than simply looking at your bank account. Successful people realize that they must not only make money; they must also be good to others.
Listen to the words of wisdom that surround you. These are people who have experienced life to the fullest. They know what a great success feels like and how hard that effort is. They can tell you that making big money will only get you so far. You have to be more than that to have meaning and satisfaction with life.
The life you create for yourself, other people, and God will be a life of meaning and purpose. It's an echo. Every time you accept yourself for who you are, and look deeply at your life, you will begin to hear the voice of God saying, "You are a precious stone!" He wants you to be happy. You can be!
When you are happy, you are more productive. You have more energy. You are able to face the challenges of life with courage. You enjoy life more. More importantly, you are free from fear.
This means that life is a constant process of growing. Nothing is permanent. Things come and go. Everything depends on the choices we make. When you accept yourself as you are and treat your life as though it is yours alone, you are hearing the voice of God's echo.
God's way of teaching us is to live each moment to its fullest. You don't need to set goals for the rest of your life. Just be aware of the opportunities that come your way, and pursue them with excitement and confidence. If you are looking for the God given opportunity to serve others, looking at life from an echo of joy in your daily life, you will notice how your life is a reflection of God's way of life.
So, what is the difference between the echo of hope and the echo of pain? The difference between hope and pain is that hope gives you a false sense of security and euphoria, while the pain brings you down. I can tell you that it is not easy living with hope and knowing that God's way of answering your prayers is to bring you down. Hope is temporary. But knowing that life is a promise of eternal life is real.