How to Develop Resilience and Overcome Adversity in Life

in life •  2 years ago 

There's something inside us that knows when we've been knocked down. It comes with a quiet voice that whispers, "No matter how hard you try, things will always work out for you." I don't know about you, but I find myself in a constant struggle. My mind tells me I should be happy, but my emotions tell me I'm in trouble.

I've been dealing with anxiety since my early twenties, and this has only intensified throughout my life. Every day brings new challenges and obstacles. I never know how bad it will get or if I'll bounce back tomorrow.

My parents taught me a certain degree of emotional control, but as I grew older I became aware of the dark side of my nature and learned to overcome it. It was a process that would take years.

Over time, I learned to deal with the ups and downs and get through the days in between. What most people don't realize is that while you may have a high tolerance for adversity, your subconscious still needs support.

So let's talk about some tips and techniques to help keep your stress levels low. You might want to print this off and keep it in your pocket so you can read it later if you need a bit of guidance.

  1. Have a Support Network in Your Life

Staying connected with supportive people helps to keep your mental health strong. The same people that can push you when you're down can also help pick you up when you need a boost. So I recommend keeping friends that can lift you up, rather than dragging you down.

2 Set Aside Regular Me Time

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is time to just relax and unwind. Find ways to enjoy yourself, even if it's a night at home with Netflix.

3 Remember You Are Not Alone

It's natural to feel alone when you're facing a tough situation, but remember you're not the only one who's feeling the pain. Finding support from other people can really help you out and provide strength during difficult times.

4 Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

When comparing yourself to others, it's easy to feel sad, disappointed, and frustrated. However, it's not going to help you or make you any happier if you compare yourself with others. Instead, focus on the positive things that you have in your life instead.

5 Let Go of Perfectionism

Being perfect isn't realistic. Trying to be perfect will never allow you to feel good, and it will always end in disaster. Perfectionism is a trap that can prevent you from moving forward and finding your true potential.

6 Get a Good Night's Sleep

The first thing you'll notice when you go to bed is how well you sleep. It's much more difficult to deal with issues that seem insurmountable when you've had an amazing sleep. So take care of your body, and it will take care of you.

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