How Thoughts Influence Feelings?

in life •  4 years ago 

Thoughts and feelings have a great impact on how you feel about a certain situation. Often times, we let those thoughts and feelings guide us and we make poor decisions. Thoughts can affect your mood in a negative way. You might be having a great day and think to yourself that tomorrow will be even better. However, if you continue to think that way, you may never enjoy a day that way.

Why do thoughts affect your mood? Usually, negative thoughts can have an impact. Negative thoughts such as, I will never be able to do that, I will never be able to get that job, I will never land that promotion, I will never be accepted by that group, etc. These types of thoughts will over time begin to cloud your reality. Your reality is usually based on your thoughts and your feelings.

Your thoughts are usually fueled by your mind with repetitive affirmations. Affirmations are statements you say to yourself over again to keep your mind focused on a specific situation. When you consistently repeat these statements to yourself, your mind starts to think these thoughts.

Thoughts also affect your feelings. If you are having a bad day and constantly think, "I will never make it in that business", you will feel miserable. You have negative thoughts. Changing your thoughts to more positive ones will change your mood. You can choose to focus on the possibilities of success or you can choose to focus on all the things you are grateful for right now.

One thing that many people struggle with when trying to change their thoughts is finding the right wording to say. Sometimes, you might say something like, "When I am in a really tough situation, I will think positively and I will do my best." This is nice, but what if you never use this phrasing? What if instead of saying, "I will think positively", what if you just said, "I will try my best." This change in the wording will help you change your negative thoughts to positive ones.

Another thing that helps people with feelings is understanding their body. People often make the mistake of thinking that they cannot help their feelings. If you know that you can help your feelings, then you can work at changing your thoughts and feelings. For example, if you know that you feel angry when you miss a deadline, then you can acknowledge that you might miss the deadline and remind yourself that it is not going to kill you if you miss it.

Getting help with your emotions does not mean you are weak. It does not mean that you are weak because you are afraid of your feelings. Your emotions are very powerful. As your thoughts and feelings become stronger, your life will become a lot easier.

By getting control of your thoughts, you can have a stronger emotional foundation. In this way you will be able to face any situation that comes your way. You will be able to succeed more. You will become a much better you.

Your thoughts also affect your behavior. If you want to change the behavior of others, your thoughts have to be compatible with what you want to achieve. This is not as easy as it sounds. It takes a lot of practice to learn how your thoughts match up with your behavior. However, with consistent practice, it is possible to change other people's behavior to match your own.

If you are in a bad mood all the time, this can have an effect on your feelings. When you think that you are being negative about a situation, your body and mind send a message to your brain that there is something wrong with you. This can manifest as anger, impatience or negativity. To get rid of these negative feelings, you have to think differently. You have to take a look at the situation from different perspectives.

If you are in a bad mood because you think that you have a big problem, tell yourself that it's just a small problem that won't hurt you very much. This might make you feel better and help you get motivated about facing your problem. When faced with a real problem that you know you can't solve, however, your negative perspective will make you feel like you are facing a mountain. You will feel discouraged, and you will want to avoid the problem. Instead, you might start to feel excited about tackling the problem.

You might think that your negative thoughts are actually helping you to get motivated. This is not true, however. If you think that you are not good enough, you might become convinced that you don't deserve to get better. You might even believe that you are stupid, ugly, worthless, etc. Changing your thoughts will help you change your behavior, too.

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