How Self-Compassion Helps You

in life •  2 years ago 

How Self-Compassion Helps You? There are many benefits of this positive attitude. It has been found to reduce anxiety, increase positivity, and lower perfectionism. Below we'll outline the benefits of this attitude. Self-compassion is a mindset that balances short-term pleasure with long-term benefit. It also reduces stress and increases safety. Self-compassion also turns on our tend-and-befriend system, which relaxes and soothes the body.

Increases positivity
Buddhist scholars define self-compassion as the recognition of the common humanity of all human beings, including one's own shortcomings. Self-compassion is an important part of mindfulness, which involves paying attention to our negative thoughts and treating ourselves with kindness and compassion. By focusing on the present moment, we can learn to see ourselves from another's perspective, which helps us to develop greater resilience and positivity. The following are some key principles of self-compassion.

Reduces perfectionism
It is possible to reduce perfectionism with self-compassion, a skill you can learn to help you feel better about yourself. Self-compassion can be developed in many ways. For example, you can learn to think of yourself with compassion, just as you would talk to a friend. Whenever you feel a negative emotion, you should ask yourself whether that thought will actually help you or if it is just a natural human reaction.

Promotes growth mindset
Self-compassion is a key component of a growth mindset. The research behind this concept has shown that people with this mindset are more likely to keep trying, even if they encounter negative feedback. Unlike those with a fixed mindset, who may be unwilling to work to improve, growth-minded people view their abilities as malleable enough to change. Self-compassion can be a valuable tool to support a growth mindset and achieve your goals.

Lowers anxiety
You may not realize it, but practicing self-compassion can lower your anxiety. It means acknowledging your anxiety and treating yourself with compassion, rather than judgment. Think of yourself as a hurt child or a loved one suffering from anxiety. Practice this technique when you feel anxious, and you'll notice a difference in your life. Eventually, you'll find it easier to deal with your anxiety and make your life more satisfying.

Helps people cope with trauma
Research has demonstrated that practicing self-compassion can reduce the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the study's findings were mixed. Most studies, however, were conducted in clinical settings. The interventions' duration had no significant association with posttraumatic stress outcome. However, these results may help researchers develop interventions based on self-compassion. The following are several ways self-compassion can be applied to reduce the symptoms of trauma.

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Being self compassionate is a trait that is important in this moment because attaining perfection in all areas of life is already an impossible feat to achieve. We need to be kind to ourselves especially when it seems as if we underperformed in a task.

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