Don't Compare Your Life To Other peoples' Lives

in life •  4 years ago 

"Don't compare your life to other peoples' lives." That is the advice that I most often hear from people who are struggling with a personal challenge or feeling overwhelmed by an event in their lives. It's easy to forget that you are on your own and your circumstances are unique and individual, but it doesn't change the fact that you are a person and it's important to recognize that fact.

The first thing to do when someone asks me this is to consider how I see my own life and then compare that to how I see other people's lives. I suggest that you don't make a big deal out of it, but just consider it for a moment. Really, what do you need to be happy? What do other people need to be happy?

Is your life filled with suffering and unhappiness? Do you feel like you're running in circles or getting nowhere? Are you unhappy in your marriage or with your career? Can I truly say that I am happy with my own life?

The truth is that your life is what you make of it. There are some things in life that come naturally and there are some things that you have to work at to get them. When you were born you were given free will to do whatever you'd like to do. Your life is a reflection of the choices that you have made. If your parents raised you right, you have a good chance of living a very successful life. If they raised you wrong, you probably won't live a very successful life either.

So don't compare your life to other people's lives. You were meant to be happy. You were created for greatness. You only have one chance and you should go out there and live it to the fullest!

Many people find happiness in their careers. They find happiness in the people that they work with, friends and families. They might spend their whole day sitting behind a desk, but they find it worthwhile because it allows them to connect to others. They get a great feeling of accomplishment each day from their work. Unfortunately, it's all an illusion. You could spend all day sitting behind a computer screen but if you don't enjoy what you are doing, you will soon find yourself bored and looking for something that you actually want to do.

If you don't take time to care for yourself, you will find that you can't enjoy the things that you really should enjoy. People spend their whole lives looking for that perfect job that they will enjoy working at every waking moment but most of the time that elusive job never comes along. You only have so much time in a day and there is only so much energy in a life. Find a way to make something happen and then enjoy the fruits of your labor each and every day.

Don't compare your life to other peoples' lives. Not everything you do will be a success. Some things will be successes and some things will be failures. If you focus on the successes in your life, you will become more successful. That is why people who have failed many times in their lives end up living lives of success! They learn from their past mistakes and then move forward into the future with confidence.

I know what you are probably thinking right now. "That can't be true because no one can spend their entire life like that." This article isn't saying that you shouldn't spend your time living like someone else. It's just saying that you need to take precautions to ensure that you don't end up living a life that someone else wants. For example, if you want to be wealthy then don't waste your time and money on ridiculous ideas like stock trading that will lead you nowhere.

The truth is that most people's lives are very similar. They start out by wanting something. People often spend their entire life searching for that thing. If you have a goal set for yourself, you must push through and ignore those people who try to prevent you from reaching that goal. I'm not saying that you should do things impulsively, but it's important to be able to take the necessary precautions.

Don't compare your life to other peoples' lives. Instead, realize that all of our lives are basically a story in our own life's voice. Follow that story by finding your own happiness.

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