Go to Jon Rappoport's blog and you will see a variety of styles of writing. Foremost are the informational posts about science - public science, fraudulent science, often illogical science. Both the comments and the links will furnish a picture of reality very different to the diktats from the lockdown-tyrants. Just to add that scientific scams are not confined to medical tyranny but extend to all branches that can be weaponised against you.
An individual's reality can be fluid or fossilised. The emotional reactions to experiences will either cement that construct or dissolve it. Only through dissolution can one rebuild a more accurate picture. Only through broader experiences and heightened perceptions can the individual even notice that his canvas is way too small. And the way Jon approaches this is through the use of imagination. Hence, the second style of article you will find is in the form of fiction; short, flash-fiction vignettes that are designed to exercise an imagination that has been imprisoned by dogmas.
The third style is the advertorial: selling his Matrix courses. The man has to live and make some money from his research. Those courses reveal the true Jon Rappoport. I think he has been clever in veering away from the language of new-age-ism and realising that a lot of it is designed to be disempowering. He talks very little about formal meditation but all roads lead to Tibet. Without any metaphysical beliefs one can become extra-ordinary.

I am not surprised how many public figures who, on the surface, appear to be secular and atheist have at the same time found their way to Tibet. One consequence of the destruction of Tibet as a country and culture is that the accumulated wisdom has been forced to spread outwards - or perish. At the heart of the teachings is that imagination can move energy and in so doing can transform reality.
There is a world of difference between the priest-mind and the shamanic-mind; the first bends reality to seek control over others, the second bends reality to test the limits of human potential. The first is a prison-warden, the second a freedom-fighter. The first step for any individual is to perceive the difference, and that can only happen when the individual reaches out. Experiment with reality.
I suspect many, many people have had extraordinary experiences. Sadly, I suspect many have run away from them. They did not fit in with the dogmatic reality. Other people would say that you were in need of a priest or a psychiatrist. Perhaps you didn't want to stand out from your family and friends. And thus, instead of opening a door, you slowly closed it shut - and then plastered over it so that with time you even forgot it was there.
That kind of blindness is dangerous - to both you and others - because that blindness means you now don't know the way out of this prison. You don't even see the prison bars as they are made of words and thoughts and electromagnetism. OK, but even a prisoner can use his imagination, and by doing so can discover a very different reality.
What a coincidence, just before I saw your post I thought of a book I read many years ago. It said that nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come. Power and money, many believe, are the most powerful, that is wrong.
If you think about it, everything we see, or rather, everything created by us humans, is based on an idea. If no one had the idea of electricity, you would not be able to read these lines. Many ideas were necessary for this to be possible now.
In my opinion, we are facing an important decision right now. The decision whether there should continue to be free people on this planet. Or whether we need permission for all sorts of things, to go to the hairdresser, to take a trip, to visit his brother.... Are we still allowed to decide such simple things ourselves or do we leave this to others who graciously allow or forbid us. A very important question, the decision is in the room. It is our decision!
Let us never forget the idea of freedom.
Good point about Freedom.
A vanishing quality.
Strangely, Kafka's The Trial springs to mind. Many existentialist novels have much to say about the present - does anybody still read?
One snippet of a quote from Peter Hitchens, from a video I found too boring, but this one sentence stood out: we had a brief glimpse of freedom and didn't know what to do with it - now it's gone.
I assume he means that period of which I am a product - somewhere between 1960 and 1980 - the freedom may have been only on the surface, but nothing was done to push it. The decadence and degradation set in very quickly and, foremost, a weakness of will and of mind.
Seems to me most have had their mind made up for them - the collective wins.
BTW welcome back! a few more interesting scribblers have joined recently.
My childhood was also in the 60s, my family and my ancestors didn't need a supermarket, we had everything we needed to live on our farm. Who could have dictated to my parents or grandparents? The current generation only knows this from tales of old times.
Not all days are over yet, the next year will hold some surprises. Just a guess, my crystal ball is still inaccurate in that way ;-)
Thanks for the welcome back, yes, my internal follow list is just filling up with new accounts.
"Freedom" is a bit like "eating" - it is an action that has to be performed - and hence both require a "menu" of choices. One cannot eat eatables (lol), one eats something specific.
We need a night on Ayahuasca to brainstorm.
DMT is the stuff that makes us dream, IMO. no DMT - no dreams. DMT is a natural function of the body, IMO, topping it up does not hurt, it has to be timed though. topping up when making it internal leads to insanity, topping up when nothing is being produced within, is essential, I eat mushrooms people call poisonous, they are not, you only need 10 to 15 grammes of an alleged poisonous one, will do a post on it soon, it keeps you sane, and a pathway to enlightened thought.
Magic mushrooms time for me next week, it helps to cop out of the insanity.
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Freedom is a fundamental right of human life. Without it man can survive. But life cannot be lived properly, it is very important to have freedom to enjoy life. Every person wants to live his life with a free mindset. If you think about it, everything we see, or rather everything that we humans have created is based on an idea. If no one had the idea of electricity, you would not have been able to read these lines. For this to be possible now, many considerations were required. In my opinion, we are facing an important decision right now. For, to meet his brother.... are we still allowed to decide such simple things for ourselves or do we leave it to others who graciously allow or forbid us. A very important question is in the judgment room. This is our decision! Let us never forget the idea of freedom. Freedom is real life. no one had the idea of electricity, you would not have been able to read these lines. For this to be possible now, many considerations were required. In my opinion, we are facing an important decision right now. Decide whether free people on this planet should continue. Or do we need permission for all kinds of things, to go to the hairdresser, to travel, to visit his brother.... are we still allowed to decide such simple things ourselves or Do we leave it to others who graciously allow or forbid us. A very important question is in the judgment room. This is our decision! Let us never forget the idea of freedom. Thanks for nice post.