2020: A Year Of Madness

in life •  4 years ago 

What a shitshow of a year.

T'is rather ironic, how 20/20 is supposed to be the hallmark of clear vision... yet we've never in our lives witnessed such a massive collective gaslighting into delusional spells.

Then again, we haven't come to the end yet.

T'is possible, that as the saying goes, "hindsight is 20/20..." it may not be until we look back at what transpired in this 365-day epoch, there may be any sort of conclusive agreement upon just how misled as allowed ourselves as a collective to be.

And it may also be possible that there may be many who never see.


It's been a challenging year for those speaking Truth.

The idea of free speech has been shot down as technocratic giants have waged censorship wars.

People daring to counter mainstream narrative - even when referencing information sourced from highly-credentialed doctors, scientists, and institutions - have been gaslit as "crazy conspiracy theorists."

We've had our civil liberties systematically removed, constitutional rights infringed upon. All in the name of some "greater good" for "our wellbeing."

The upside:

People have been waking up.

Perhaps not as fast as we'd hope and like. But sure enough, there comes points of absurdity when even those in the deepest of slumbers must begin questioning WTF is going on, that something isn't right.

And perhaps it is a grand farce on a scale of such proportions we've been witnessing this year that is required to snap the sleepers out of their trance.

As the saying goes, 'people can't be told, they must be shown.'


Personally, I've burnt myself out trying to "wake people up." It's a futile endeavor.

No one can awaken before they're ready.

It happens on their timelines. Not the ones we'd wish for them.

And yeah, it can be frustrating as fuck, observing the masses fall in line like braindead sheep as they buy into blatant, manipulative lies. Yet even screaming at the top of our lungs and showing them every bit of evidence there is becomes a waste of energy when you're dealing with people who are deaf and blind.

While some people may be in a position that their words hold weight and help to ignite the spark of awareness in others, sometimes attempting to do so merely ends up being either 'preaching to the choir' or opening to attack from ignorant, aggressive, gaslighting muthafuckaz who are too damn closed-minded to embrace a full-spectrum of FACTS.

Perhaps these are the points where surrender and trust become key.

Where we are faced with the choice activating an innate wisdom to allow life, God, the universe to take its own divine, organic course and allow each individual the time and space to go through the processes they need to bring their senses online.

And perhaps, there really is nothing to fear - but only to be grateful for.

That for as fucked up as it may all seem on the surface, when innerstood from the higher vantage point, there's a knowing that it's all exactly what's necessary to trigger those we could never awaken directly into their catalystic moments of clarity.

Perhaps our challenge is not in fighting the system - which is collapsing and slowly but surely bringing down outdated cultural beliefs with it - but staying in our own lanes, trusting the process, conserving our energies and time for that which truly is our place to serve.

Easier said than done, sometimes.

Though as the classic prayer goes...


In the year to come
Third red wave will start mid summer
Riots will seize in mandatory sectors will disappear
The sound of the trumpet will select so many decisions that will free humanity of the poverty in the deep depression
The sound will be steady and secure
That evil will never be able to rise up again
Victory humans victory
In the next two years the battle will seize section by section until all the dirt is out. During this time many will wake up of the deep sleep and the anger will send them to motion when they will seek their freedom. So it is time.
You will never ever see this type of evil ever again. So it is so a God‘s law. So it is.
Corona of The state is beheaded. The snake it’s not alive. And in Venice will arise a new dawn new nation from the burn ashes of the old evil two new bright fruitful tree to the end of time.
Patriarchy have no place in the new dawn. No churches will ever have the power to control. So of the evil you inflicted, and from the slayer of the gods sword you will vanish forever. Your evil souls will not be ever able to return. But will go to dissemination of the source so from that will be born new spark of energy reborn.

~ The Council Of Nine
~ Marina Jacobi

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