Sick and Afraid in the Age of the Pandemic: A Brief History of Weaponized Diseases & Vaccines

in life •  2 years ago 

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[Auth Note] This is an editorial, an opinion piece based on a number of years of research and a modicum of common sense. I intend to leave some links to material and a few previous articles to back up my argument. My intent here is to try to tie a few things together in a rough timeline that explains the current state of affairs.

It could reasonably be argued that humans have used various pathogens as weapons for over a millennia – during the Medieval period corpses infected with various plagues were catapulted into opposing strongholds to weaken opposition. Also during the American colonial period, blankets infected with smallpox were distributed to American Indian populations in a blatant attempt at genocide. That being said, the weaponization of pathogens in laboratories began with the “Spanish Flu” epidemic of 1918. Whether purposeful or by accident I leave up to you.


In 1917 during WWI two critical things happened on the medical front. The first was an outbreak of meningitis at Ft. Riley Kansas and the other was a typhus outbreak in Europe. Both of these issues were addressed by the Rockefeller Foundation. A meningitis vaccine was created by the Rockefeller Foundation and administered to soldiers leaving for the East Coast, their point of departure for Europe. The tragic consequence of this vaccine was that it caused streptococcal pneumonia, a virulent strain that is easily transmissible. The deaths caused by this strain of pneumonia were attributed to the Spanish Flu.

At this juncture, it’s important to point out that up until this time influenza – the flu, or grippe as it was also known – was not a specific disease per se, but a series of similar symptoms; headache, fever, aches and pains, etc. symptoms that we currently associate with the flu.

The Rockefeller Foundation was also responsible for the creation of a vaccine for the typhus outbreak that was killing soldiers on both sides in Europe. This vaccine was formulated by extracting a virus found in swine using chicken albumin as a host. For the uninitiated, viruses, unlike bacteria which can be grown in a pure culture, cannot survive on their own and require host cells to stay alive. From this concoction we now have Swine Flu (H1N1) and Avian or Bird Flu (H1N5) along with other variants. This first actual influenza provided a stockpile of pathogens that could then be manipulated in labs.


Those of us who were alive in the 1950’s remember the hysteria created by the mainstream media over the threat of polio, a disease that began with symptoms much like those of influenza and then caused paralysis. This hysteria caused a rush to find a suitable vaccine and then a rush to judgment over the safety and efficacy. ONe of the researchers, Dr. Bernice Eddy, found contamination in some of the vaccines, something called Simian Virus- 40 (SV-40). She brought her findings to her superiors but was ridiculed as a “hysterical female,” her reputation and career destroyed.

The polio “epidemic” was for the most part a creation of the mass media and shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that the “cure” – the contaminated vaccines – is often worse than the original disease, not to downplay the serious ramifications to those who caught it. The point is that only a small percentage of the population got even mild symptoms, certainly not enough to warrant exposing the entire population to a vaccine that causes cancer – something that seems to have proliferated in the generation that grew up in the 50’s and 60’s. The real beneficiaries were the elites and pharmaceutical industry who got cover for future catastrophes – weapons for their depopulation agenda.


“HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body's immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). There is currently no effective cure. Once people get HIV, they have it for life. But with proper medical care, HIV can be controlled.”

“Symptoms: Influenza-like illness; Fatigue…”

HIV and AIDs are confusing as to whether or not they are actual diseases or the result of environmental and/or other causes. HIV is believed to be a virus that attacks the auto-immune system however. As the definition above concedes, it appears to be an influenza-like pathogen, likely the product of the stockpile of influenza viruses left over from the 1918 infection manipulated in a laboratory – most likely the bioweapons lab at Ft. Detrick before it was closed down. According to AIDs researcher Dr. Judy Mikovits, the HIV virus is a retrovirus that implants its own DNA upon its host making it difficult to treat or cure.

plural noun: retroviruses
any of a group of RNA viruses which insert a DNA copy of their genome into the host cell in order to replicate, e.g. HIV.
(Oxford Dictionary)

Technically speaking, AIDs is an inability of the immune system to prevent pathogens of any sort from causing illness or death. This can be attributed to many causes including the bombardment of the autoimmune system by a multitude of vaccines, amny of which contain deadly toxins, in early childhood.

Then of course there’s the issue of how HIV/AIDs was created. One thing for certain, a pathogen this complex does not occur in nature. The most reasonable explanation I’ve found is that it was a joint effort of the CIA and WHO with the experiments done at Ft Detrick, MD.

“The World Health Organization, in published articles, called for scientists to work with these deadly agents and attempt to make a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans: ‘And attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the virus.’"

In other words, the created virus would attack cells in the autoimmune system that destroys dangerous pathogens. These protective cells are called T-cells or macrophages. Similarly, there’s a compound in the Covid vaccine called graphene oxide that “causes programmed necrosis (cell death) in macrophages.”

It seems that the WHO, the UN agency tasked with protecting world health, is less interested in keeping us healthy than keeping us sick.

There’s also the fact that virtually all virus research is done using monkey kidney cells as hosts to keep the viruses alive. As I mentioned before, without host cells viruses die almost immediately and are useless. Many of these host cells, whether from monkeys, or mice as in the article just below, may contain ambient contamination, something that benefits unscrupulous scientists wishing to weaponize said viruses.


During the Bush (Sr) and Clinton years, at about the same time that our most sensitive top-secret labs including Ft. Detrick, Los Alamos, etc., were being opened up to Chinese “scientists,” a number of deadly pathogens came up missing from the aforementioned Ft. Detrick. They included anthrax, AIDs, ebola, zika virus, and several others including influenza. The excuse given by USAMRIID was that they “were most likely accidentally thrown out with the trash.” What is far more likely is that they wound up in secret bioweapons labs around the world. You have to remember that this happened at approximately the same time that the American bioweapons program was discontinued – a euphemism for moved to undisclosed locations in other countries.

In all likelihood this is where the pathogens used to create Covid (SARS-CoV-2), SARS, MERS, and other respiratory illnesses originated. It is equally likely that AIDs, whose symptoms resemble influenza, was created out of the stockpile of influenza left over from the 1918 contagion. I’ve written numerous articles about Covid and the agenda behind the scamdemic. Once again, this is a case where the cure (the vaccine) is far more deadly than the disease. But this is not an isolated incident, the point of this article. This has been a long series of events that began with the 1918 Spanish Flu, all working toward the same agenda – the imposition of a global totalitarian political infrastructure. A sick world living in fear of the next pandemic is a compliant world. The people behind this tyranny will stop at nothing to achieve their goal.

This globalist cabal that includes international bankers, the WEF, Big Pharma, prominent foundations such as the Gates & Rockefeller Foundations, the UN, and others has been poisoning our food and water and pumping us full of toxic vaccines for years – all to make us sick and compliant. Why would scientists create viruses that attack the autoimmune system and put compounds that do the same in vaccines? There is only one reasonable explanation, and it isn’t to make us healthy. This has nothing to do with health, this is about control.

It all began crudely enough, perhaps even by accident, the mixing of viruses from swine with chicken albumin. Were the cells taken from either species contaminated? We’ll never know. One thing we do know is that every species of mammaI has thousands of viruses and bacteria peculiar to themselves. When you start mixing them you’re begging for trouble. Also remember that influenza isn’t necessarily a specific disease but a conglomeration of symptoms inherent in other maladies such as AIDs for example. Originally the flu, or grippe described a general feeling of unwellness. Over the last century technology and medical science has become more sophisticated. Now we have Covid (SARS-CoV-2) , another “disease” for which there is no specific test. I really hope you take the time to look at some of the links I’ve included, there’s some pretty damaging evidence in there.


There’s been so much written about Convid already that anything I add would almost be redundant. The devastating effects of the vaccines has been very well covered. However, there is one point I’d like to make that relates to what I’ve covered so far – that it’s almost impossible to test for viruses. In the late 1800’s a doctor named Robert Koch created four criteria for determining what pathogen is making people sick:

“Developed in the 19th century, Robert Koch’s postulates are the four criteria designed to assess whether a microorganism causes a disease. As originally stated, the four criteria are: (1) The microorganism must be found in diseased but not healthy individuals; (2) The microorganism must be cultured from the diseased individual; (3) Inoculation of a healthy individual with the cultured microorganism must recapitulated the disease; and finally (4) The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased individual and matched to the original microorganism. Koch’s postulates have been critically important in establishing the criteria whereby the scientific community agrees that a microorganism causes a disease.”

The most important of these for our purposes is that they must be isolated to be tested. For bacteria, which can be grown in a pure culture after extraction, this is fairly simple; but not so for viruses that depend upon a host to be kept alive. It is impossible to determine if it’s the virus or something contaminating the host cells that makes people sick – things such as exomes. Viruses aren’t even complete cells, just bits of genetic material (DNA/RNA) encased in a protein membrane. This is why computer models were used to “isolate” the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The only test used is the PCR test that tests for antibodies. If you have any type of infection in your body you’ll test positive for Convid.

Like I said before, pandemics are the new war against humanity and the few rights we have left. This is an all out attempt by the WEF and their globalist partners, “the cabal,” to impose global tyranny by using fear of disease.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You have made really great points, these virus outbreaks don’t just happen, it is a process carried out in labs however we won’t know if it’s outbreak is accidental or intentional.
But thinking about it, some of them are actually deliberate, to control the masses and population growth or as a weapon against opposing countries.
It’s so sad that we are unknowingly being poisoned by the so called vaccines, after-all the elites benefit highly.
Covid affected lives and economies , but it has been managed for now, it scares me to think of what the future holds.
An outbreak of something worse can be devastating
We can only hope and pray that we will be alright.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't believe in accidents of this magnitude. If you check the links I provided you'll see that it's all part of an agenda... and this is just one facet.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is really terrifying that all of these so called viruses were intentionally created. Then, vaccines are being created that as of the moment there are 4 doses available, in fact I got my 4th shot a week ago.

If I myself to decide, I would rather not to take one, unfortunately I am an overseas worker in Saudi Arabia where we required to be vaccinated or else we are not allowed to enter to any establishments.

I hope I can live longer. I really feel something to my health now a days. I hope it's just an effect of overthinking or a psychological effect from this pandemic.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are some really nasty things in those vaccines, especially the Covid mRNA vaccine. It changes your DNA and contains graphene oxide which attacks your immune system.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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