Shaping Society: Tavistock Institute and The Empire of Lies – Part III – Full Spectrum Dominance

in life •  2 years ago 

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I dislike the term conspiracy, not only because of the negative connotation that it has taken on, but I object to the legal definition as well. Legally, a conspiracy can be almost any association. With the advent of RICO anti-racketeering statutes a conspiracy is pretty much anything the government (or prosecutors) want it to be. For example, if I was the head of a criminal enterprise and forbade the killing of any law enforcement officials and one of my associates did so, I also would be legally culpable even though I expressly gave orders against it. What I prefer, certainly as it pertains to Tavistock and its network is the term -- Singularity of Purpose. I find this to be more accurate.

At this point it might prove useful to provide a timeline showing the psycho-philosophical underpinnings of Tavistock. Where did the ideas originate and who set things in motion. John Rawlings Reese didn't think all this up on his own. Tavistock is a result, perhaps a natural outcome of the teachings of Madame Helena Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society. Blavatsky's contribution is in the perception that human beings are improvable...that we can become our own gods. If humans are improvable, then they must be programmable. Enter, Sigmund Freud and by extension Aleister Crowley.

This is why I use the term psycho-philosophical. Tavistock has a psychological based is "therapeutic," if you will. In a book I was writing about the Clintons and the New World Order, I call it Therapeutic Fascism. However, I digress. In order for Tavistock and its network of attendant organizations to work, a compliant public is necessary. Like I said before, this is not necessarily a conspiracy, but a system of organizations with similarity of purpose. It spreads out, what I call the Kudzu Effect, throughout the country. For anyone unaware, Kudzu is a vine that grows in South America. Gov. George Wallace brought it to America to help combat erosion on the side of highways in Alabama and now it has pretty much taken over the Southern United States. Like Kudzu, Tavistock is spreading its psycho-philosophy throughout America.

They use Freud's trauma based methods to infiltrate the American psyche. When JFK was killed, America lost its innocence- or so I've read. Whether or not Tavistock was involved, I have no idea- the point is moot, it happened. Tavistock is responsible for the Beatles which provided them with the one/two punch necessary to implement the New Age philosophy. I recommend watching this video in its entirety. I believe it's narrated by Bill Cooper, but I may be mistaken. What it contains is a quote by Aldous Huxley, a student of Crowley. He is also the brother of Julian Huxley, the eugenicist and grandson of Thomas Huxley who was responsible for much of Charles Darwin's theories (in fact I've heard that the theory was actually Huxley's). See how this all comes together? Huxley pretty much lays out the entire Tavistock plan. “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”

In the video the Wharton School’s “econometrics” model used by the IMF and World Bank is mentioned. This is how multinational corporations and the international bankers maintain control of the third world, a form of neo-colonialism. I recommend looking at interviews with John Perkins (Diary of an Economic Hitman) to understand why Africa has never been allowed to prosper. Mummar Qaddafi had developed a plan to make Africa economically independent using the gold standard for oil purchases. Thanks to the US State Department and the CIA, both attached to Tavistock, Qaddafi is dead and Libya is now the largest open-air slave market in the world. God Bless America!


As we have already discussed, in order for Tavistock and their allies to implement their agenda, a compliant public is an absolute necessity. What better way to keep a population compliant than to keep them sick. In this part, we will look at the Tavistock effect on healthcare. The recent Convid “pandemic” should provide enough evidence that the current healthcare system favors medical professionals and Big Pharma rather than the people that it is supposed to protect, particularly when you factor in the disastrous effects that the “vaccines” have had on the population. It should be abundantly clear by now that the entire charade was designed to create a medical tyranny rather than to keep people safe – and they’re far from done.

We’ve focused on the institutions that comprise the Tavistock network and their effect on fomenting public policy. The focus of this part is more centered on the Rockefeller Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and to some extent the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. These are the funding mechanisms of the Tavistock network of institutions and their agenda in America and, by extension, around the world. By now everyone should be aware of the influence of Tavistock on public policy making through their myriad of NGO's. Healthcare institutions are no exception. The NIH (National Institute of Health), The CDC (Center for Disease Control) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are all corrupt to the core and under the influence of the Tavistock Institute in one way or another. So, let's go to some of the major issues themselves and see how Tavistock and their funding arm affects them.

The Cancer Scam: It should be no surprise that the Rockefellers should be involved in the cancer industry. William Rockefeller, father of John D., the oil baron, was a salesman of cancer "cures" during the late 19th Century, a snake-oil salesman. John D. Rockefeller was in the petrochemical industry and it is natural that he would become involved in pharmaceuticals. Eustace Mullins talks about the involvement of the Rockefellers in medicine in an interview with Bobby Lee in which he quotes his book, Murder By Injection.

The important takeaway from this is that the Rockefellers and their foundation have controlled allopathic medicine from the very beginning. They’re also one of the most important components of the Tavistock network buth in funding and in formulating the agenda.

Cancer "research" is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation as is the American Cancer Society. There is no money in curing cancer, but enormous profits can be made by treating it. Perhaps there is no more famous cancer treatment center than the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. If the name sounds familiar, it should. It was partially funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation who you may also remember as the founder of the Sloan School of Management at MIT. Mr. Mullins did a splendid job of unmasking the intent of modern medicine, so let's move on.

Vaccines: There is little doubt of the dangers surrounding vaccines. For our purposes, the focus will be on using vaccines as a weapon of population control. This is the intent of the elites, those whom James Corbett refers to as the .001%. The intent of people like David Rockefeller of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations, another Tavistock institution) is to "keep the world's population to sustainable levels (around 500 million)." One of the best ways to accomplish this is through the use of vaccines. Recently, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was prevented from issuing vaccines by the Indian government. Many of these vaccines cause more problems than they cure. During the AIDs epidemic in Africa, both the Clinton and Gates Foundations were indicted for distributing ineffective vaccines (for a profit. For anyone interested, I recommend watching Clinton Cash). This is all a part of the Eugenics movement endorsed by Tavistock.

The damage done to world populations from the Covid vaccines is yet to be determined. An honest estimate has not been made to this point. It can be said without fear of equivocation that the vaccines have caused more deaths and disabilities than the disease itself. What we can learn from Event 201, the “exercise” by the WEF and Gates Foundation is that the “pandemic” was done on purpose, depopulation and the imposition of a totalitarian world government being the primary goals. Both the WEF and Gates Foundation are part of the Tavistock network financed by the Rothschild/Rockefeller international banking cabal. Since the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic the Rockefellers have been using medicine as a means of depopulation.


An integral part of the Tavistock plan to destroy American culture is their plan to destroy America’s schools. The public education system has never been about creating an intelligent, educated populace, but a citizenry that is programmed to do menial tasks. This has been the goal from the beginning of mandatory schooling in the mid-1800’s, something that fits the Tavistock agenda perfectly.

I had originally intended to save a discussion of the Frankfurt School for a different article but it is an important element in American educational policy making. Tavistock Institute's philosophy is based largely on the teachings of Theodor Adorno as discussed before. Adorno is one of the primary individuals in the Frankfurt School. After moving from Germany, the school set up shop at Columbia University, in New York and at the Institute For Social Research at the University of Michigan, a Tavistock think tank. Although Cultural Marxism was thought up by Antonio Gramsci, it was institutionalized through the Frankfurt School and its American counterparts. Tavistock's relationship to Cultural Marxism is more opportunistic...they know a good strategy when they see one.

John Dewey, widely recognized as the "Father of American Education," was a Columbia Univ. psychologist. He was also a paid member of the Russian Communist Party and one of the authors of the Humanist Manifesto. Dewey's plan for the American educational system was to turn it into a synthesized religion, something right out of Helena Blavatsky's Theosophy. This video shows much of Dewey's plan (I recommend starting at 1:45 unless you're interested in the West Virginia Competency Test and enjoy annoying whistling)

The link between Tavistock and American education is the NEA (National Education Association), the teacher's union. The NEA is controlled through the Stanford Research Institute and the National Training Laboratory, both part of the Tavistock network. The importance of controlling the education system is that to ensure a compliant public, a dysfunctional educational system is necessary. In the words of John D. Rockefeller: “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.

Another of the psychological "sages" behind American education was Dr. Benjamin Bloom, a behavioral psychologist. One must logically ask: why is it that our educational system was designed by psychologists instead of educators? Unless, of course, it's not designed to educate, but to "brainwash." Psychologist B.F. Skinner memorably said: “Give me a child and I can turn him into anything.”

The American classroom has become a place where American values are no longer welcome, replaced with the new religion of humanism and the ideology of Cultural Marxism. John Dunphy, in 1983, wrote for the Humanist: "The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new- the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism."

Dr. John Goodland, writing for the National Education Agency later in the 1980's argued: "Our goal is behavioral change. The majority of our youth still hold to the values of their parents and if we do not resocialize them to accept change, our society may decay." The Humanists certainly achieved their goal of behavioral change. The public school system is proliferated with drugs. Violence, has not only increased in scope, but in severity as well. What used to be fist-fights have now become shootings and stabbings. But all of this is ok, an army that will support the Tavistock/globalist agenda is being created as evinced by ANTIFA and BLM.

American education is being run as a training ground for Cultural Marxists and is designed to create generations of "good little global citizens," in other words slaves. This is particularly true of the university system. I recommend in the strongest terms that if anyone is concerned about education that they research Ms. Charlotte Iserbyt (there's no shortage of material). Dr. Chester Pierce, of Harvard, who asserted in an address to teachers in 1973, that:
“Every child in America entering school at age five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you teachers to make all of these sick children well by creating the international children of the future.”


As I wrote at the beginning of this mini-series, the Tavistock/Globalist agenda requires full spectrum cultural dominance, including the mass media, medicine, education, banking, technology, etc. – and that just scratches the surface. The Tavistock network is so massive and pervasive that it would take years of effort just to list all of its working parts. Although a globalist organization – or network of organizations – in reality it’s just a reiteration of the old British Empire. Its headquarters is in London, the world’s financial capital.

With the advent of the British East India Co., the Age of Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution the British Empire began to transition away from a land-based empire dominated by the old aristocracy into a financial empire designed to accommodate the mercantile and banking classes. In some cases they became one and the same as these wealthy families were knighted into the aristocracy. During the Napoleonic Wars the Rothschild family gained almost complete control of the British economy trading War Bonds. Having a network of intelligence officers, they had access to information (the victors) long before anyone else and they used this information to their advantage. Some sort of deal was struck between the Rothschilds and the Crown to keep the former from bankrupting the country – they had that much power.

The East India Co. evolved into the Cecil Rhodes financial empire and with it the Rhodes Roundtable groups, a consortium of organizations all of whom were concerned with the preservation of the British Empire. They combined through agreements with the Rothschild banking house – a globalist organization – that ceded control of the Rhodes diamond and gold mining operation to the Oppenheimers, a part of the Rothschild diaspora. By this time the Rothschilds had become part of the British aristocracy, a part with global ambitions. The globalist ideology was born – based on the British Empire and along with it the Roundtable of secret organizations, many of which are a part of the Tavistock network such as the Club of Rome and the Committee of 300 to name two. Tavistock’s main two objectives are global domination and the preservation of the British Empire.

I’m not a big fan of the Larouche organization but when it comes to the new British Empire run out of the City of London they’re pretty much on target, although I think that the combination of the City’s international banking cartel and Tavistock/RIIA gives them much more power over the UK than the speaker realizes and has since the Napoleonic Wars. This video lays out the economic power and power over policy making both at home and abroad:

The documentary mentioned, “The Spider’s Web,” is here for anyone interested in who really runs the world. As the previous video points out, America has been at war for over 50 years because of the British Empire’s economic dominance. Remember, these are the same people that own the Federal Reserve.

In short, the Tavistock network exists to ensure the preservation of the British Empire.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The word "complot" my be brought back into more prominent use ;-)

There are situations where 'conspiracy" really is the correct word - especially where the public positions of individuals is very different to their occult hierarchy. Hence, the real plans are very different to those stated.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Complot, I like it. Perhaps conplot as well.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

conplot is good too!
"complot" is still used in Romance languages - kinda faded away in English, but is a real word.

conspire = to breathe together;
complot = to plot together, be on the same land.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you, a new word for my lexicon

Most excellent post! Reposting.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you dear friend -- one more Brit Empire article tomorrow.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nobody else around here nails it like you do!