Shaping Society: Tavistock Institute and The Empire of Lies – Part I

in life •  2 years ago 

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We speak a lot about the globalist elites and their agenda for totalitarian world governance. This is not a recent development, but the result of a century of planning and social engineering. The braintrust behind this agenda is a myriad of institutions, think tanks, foundations, mass media conglomerates, and governmental [intelligence] agencies both in the US and UK. At the head of this network is Tavistock Institute, the brains behind the globalist agenda.

Tavistock Institute was founded (officially) in 1922 for the purpose of helping shellshocked soldiers from WWI. What they discovered was that extreme trauma rendered people malleable and this became the basis for a mind control experiment that endures to this day. Major John Rawlings Reese was the first director at the Institute that was set up at Oxford University by the Royal Institute of International Affairs. What evolved was one of the first and most profound brainwashing facilities that ever existed.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in the UK and its American counterpart, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) are two of the most powerful shapers of culture on the globe. The CFR was founded by the Rockerfellers, Warburgs, Schiffs, and JP Morgan, the same international bankers behind the formation of the Federal Reserve, the key to economic control in the US. In the UK, funding for the RIIA came from the Royal Family, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and the Milner Group, the successors to the Rhodes Roundtable.

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The RIAA and Tavistock Institute became the basis for the British Psychological Warfare Bureau, an institution that created the psy op that was instrumental in convincing the British people to accept the carpet bombing techniques that were designed to beat the German population into a state of submission in WWII, resulting in the murder of tens of thousands of innocent civilians. It also became the basis of the American OSS (Office of Strategic Services) that preceded the CIA. OSS was formed under the direction of Dr. Karl Lewin who was also instrumental in the formation of the CIA.

After WWII, Tavistock turned its attention to controlling civilian populations, in both the UK and America. One method of this control is (and has been) the use of propaganda. Although propaganda was used by the Nazis before and during WWII as a political tool to garner support for Hitler's nefarious plans, it really took off after the war under the guise of public relations. Although propaganda has become something of a dirty word, public relations is viewed as an acceptable alternative, although in reality there's no difference at all. The father of modern propaganda is an American named Edward Bernays dubbed "The Father of Public Relations." In an interview with Mark Crispin Miller, professor of Media Studies at NYU, Abby Martin and the professor discuss propaganda and its effect on society.

Much of the philosophy of Tavistock is drawn from the Frankfurt School and the writings of Theodor Adorno in particular. They draw heavily on Adorno's Authoritarian Personality. Tavistock, along with Britain’s MI-5 and MI-6 were largely responsible for the creation of the American CIA. It’s essential to understand that when we talk about the globalists and their agenda; along with the institutions that are a part of it, whether it’s international bankers, multinational corporations, foundations, think tanks, the CIA or other intelligence agencies, etc., we’re essentially talking about Tavistock – and that network includes many major American universities.

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Before exploring deeper into how Tavistock works, let's take a minute to recap and list a few of their affiliates in America. In the next part we’ll look at how Tavistock used the media (particularly television and the music industry) to push the Beatles, an untalented and virtually unknown bar band from Liverpool. Before Tavistock stepped in they were unsuccessfully playing in the pub scene in Germany. After Tavistock, their careers took off.

We will also look at a brief history of how Tavistock was developed for the purpose of helping soldiers that suffered shell shock (PTSD) after WWI. When they learned how successful trauma was for molding individuals, they went right to work. Dr. Karl Lewin, who was the head of OSS, the precursor to the CIA, headed up things in the US. This trauma based mind control philosophy is partly attributable to Theodor Adorno's, Authoritarian Personality, although there are other influences as well. The key to their control technique is trauma followed by very subtle psychological influences. Using Freudian psychotherapy to induce a permanent state of mental illness the identity of the subject is effectively erased. Once the mind is "opened" up, the web of Tavistock driven organizations go to work. Before we look into how Tavistock works in more detail and how it relates to almost everything that happens (even Pizzagate), we should look at who exactly the Tavistock actors in America are.

It is axiomatic that no organization works without funding, so in addition to the American taxpayer footing most of the bill, there are other financial interests at work here also, some of which we’ve already named. One of the biggest contributors is the Rockefeller Foundation. Also George Soros and his friend and business partner in the Tavistock Group, Joe Lewis. The Tavistock Group (as opposed to Tavistock Institute) is an investment front based in the Bahamas that, along with Soros, made a fortune crashing the British Pound. Here are some of the tentacles of this enormous web made up of governmental and non-governmental research facilities:

Stanford Research Institute: This is considered to be one of the most "important jewels in Tavistock's crown." (According to Jesse Hobson, SRI's first president). SRI has so much influence over policy making that they effectively shut down America's space program for 8 yrs. to Let the USSR catch up. SRI is just one part of Tavistock’s network of American universities.

Flow Laboratories: Effectively runs the National Institute of Health.

Merle Thomas Corp.: Analyzes satellite data for the Navy. (This may seem insignificant, but a private corporation has access to highly classified data).

Brookings Institution: Brookings is one of those “progressive” think tanks, one that practically invented FDR's New Deal, Kennedy's New Frontiers, LBJ's Great Society... For over 70 years, Brookings has been telling the US Government how to do business.

Hudson Institute: Propaganda machine used to cement public perceptions, particularly during wartime.

National Training Laboratories: NTL is a brainwashing operation originally centered in Bethel, Maine. The NTL is responsible for formulating "groupthink.' They work to create identity politics. Some of their affiliates (None of these groups work alone, but in concert with each other and all have branches) are -- The Institute of Applied Behavioral Sciences and the NEA (National Education Association, the teacher's union). International Institute of Applied Behavioral Sciences.

Wharton School of Finance and Commerce: (University of Pennsylvania) The Wharton School is one of the nation's leading business schools. They also do research for the United Nations, the IMF, The World Bank, the Ford Foundation (who donate generously), and The Defense Dept. The USPS, and many more.

Institute For the Future: The IFF is responsible for normalizing behaviors that were considered unthinkable decades ago... homosexuality, abortion, drug use, teaching birth control in public schools, to name a few.

Institute for Policy Studies: The IPS is responsible for groups such as the Black Panthers, the Weather Underground and were the ones that created the "New Left." The IPS was founded and funded by James Warburg and the Rothschilds.

MIT- Alfred P. Sloan School of Management: Perhaps one of the more powerful of Tavistock's tentacles, the Sloan School boasts a very hefty clientele in terms of influence. Among them:

American Management Assn.
Committee For Economic Development
Institute for Defense Analysis
National Academy of Sciences
National Council of Churches
US Army
US Navy
Dept of State
Treasury Dept.

RAND Corp: Is one of the most powerful policy think tanks in America today. They are involved in the space program, the CIA (MK Ultra program). There will be more on RAND in another segment.

As you can see, Tavistock has their tentacles woven throughout America: politically, socially and economically, and these are only a few of Tavistock's affiliates. It is not only a network of institutions, but a philosophy and psychology as well. They are master manipulators and as we shall see, who influence virtually everyone's lives. They do so through the media, in advertising as well as programming. They are into public relations (propaganda). They operate behind the scenes in think tanks, policy making and the halls of government as well. These are just a few of the entities influenced by Tavistock. Tavistock has their tentacles into virtually every aspect of life, both in America and the UK, including the mass media, medicine, education and more. As we will see in the next episode, Tavistock played an instrumental role in the Beatles and the counterculture “revolution” of the 1960’s.

Culture shaping works best during times of war, pandemics, and other times of social upheaval, depending upon fear to erode one’s ability to make cogent decisions. Since WWII we have been in an almost constant state of war which, along with a series of “pandemics” – influenza, AIDs, Covid, and now monkeypox – has made populations around the globe malleable.

The purpose of the Tavistock network is to use war, disease, etc. to implement a totalitarian system based on the UN’s Agenda 2030, a technocracy where the average citizen is little more than a slave… an empire of lies and propaganda designed to replace democracy. National Socialism in Germany and the USSR were trials to test their agenda on a national basis, as is Communist China, playing mix and match with political and economic systems. Now they’re ready to take it to the next level – global totalitarianism. But first America must be destroyed. The 1960’s counterculture movement was the first step by Tavistock and the globalists to destroy America from within, the subject of the next article.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Human Resources 🤬🥓

hahah I saw that vid yesterday and first thing I thought was WTF is wrong with her eyes!!! Apart from her being completely bonkers that is.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is the key to so much of what is happening right now...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It sure is!!!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They toy with us, experiment on us. Is it enough for us to know about them?

Rand corp - I see a collection of Jims, Leylands, and Metzgers.

Mark Crispin Miller is brilliant, and I am grateful to him for carrying on. Great interview!!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm kind of working on a sequel to the Night Gods that even has an evil English Lord in it.

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