My Two-Cents: False Flags & Connecting Some Current Events

in life •  2 years ago 

(Meme by me, @richq11)

I find myself writing that events don’t happen in isolation, that everything is connected – and then I go on to write about one single issue at a time. So, I thought I’d try something different and try to connect some of these issues to their overall agenda – the agenda of the globalist elites.

There’s an old saying that if you throw enough shit at a wall some of it is bound to stick. For the globalist elites this has surpassed being an adage and become a guiding principle for implementing their odious agenda. Edict after edict, pandemic after pandemic (followed with their toxic vaccine policies), coupled with school shootings, BLM, Ukraine, all designed with one purpose in mind – resistance fatigue. This constant barrage of problem, reaction, solution – what David Icke calls the “totalitarian two-step” – is being done purposely to make people so weary that they will just give up and go along with the agenda of the ruling class.

Behind the smoke screen of the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard defamation trial many things have gone on in the past week or so – things that are all part of the globalist agenda, not the least of which was the school shooting of 19 children and three adults by a deranged transvestite who’s been threatening to do so for a very long time. For anyone that missed it, this is the shooter:


(Courtesy Wimkin)

While the shootings were going on, the police not only stood down, but prevented parents from entering the school to rescue their children. One woman was put in handcuffs when she tried to enter the school.

“Uvalde, TX — As we reported on Thursday, multiple reports and videos have surfaced of law enforcement’s response, or rather lack thereof, to the mass school shooting at Robb Elementary. Instead of rushing in to stop the shooter from murdering children inside, officers set up a blockade and perimeter to stop parents from trying to save their own children. In the meantime, the shooter had over an hour to have his way with the 19 children and 2 teachers who he slaughtered inside.”

“As police fumbled the response outside, a crowd of angry parents demanded to be let in to save their children. As any parent would do, many of them tried to rush past police to go into the school but were tackled, pepper sprayed and even handcuffed.”

I suggest reading the full article as it underscores the cowardice of law enforcement along with the propaganda given out by the mainstream media and Texas government. The whole scenario was of course staged to give Biden a platform for his gun confiscation agenda.

“It’s now 100% clear that the Uvalde mass shooting was a “stand down operation,” meaning law enforcement was deliberately ordered to stand down so that the massacre could take place. The goal? Gun control, of course.” Not only did the police stand down, many went into the school to rescue their own children while leaving the others to die. “We also have a story from the left-wing media outlet MSN, declaring, “Uvalde Police Officer Admits Cops Saved Their Own Kids From Robb Elementary Before Stopping Shooter: A police officer admitted that the police went inside the school to save their children first rather than stop the shooter. The officer said, “There [were] some police officers’ families trying to get their kids out of school because it was an active shooter situation.” What bravery!

In the meantime, we’re all being informed to brace for another pandemic just in time for the upcoming midterms as I wrote before. This one could be much more serious than Covid, according to “experts.” “The Biden administration is warning Americans that another pandemic is coming and it could happen just around the November midterm election. Or, maybe, Biden and his gang will just intensify their fearmongering and make it seem that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is still out for more blood.”

“Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health and the White House Coronavirus Response coordinator, predicted a rise in COVID-19 cases for the coming fall and winter during his recent appearance on ABC‘s “This Week.” (Related: Ashish Jha, Biden’s new COVID-19 Coordinator, wants everyone to have “vaccine passports”) “By the way, one of the reasons I’ve been talking a lot about the need for Congress to step up and fund this effort is if they don’t, Martha, we will go into the fall and winter without that next generation of vaccines, without treatments and diagnostics. That’s going to make it much, much harder for us to take care of and protect Americans,” Jha said.”

The key here is “the next generation of vaccines and treatments.” It seems that many of the people stupid enough to have taken the jab are developing AIDs, bad for the people involved but great for Tony Fauci and his pals who have the patents (and a monopoly) on AIDs treatmants.

“Do Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” cause AIDS? A growing body of government data from all around the world suggests so, and that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is largely a distraction from it. Vaccine-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS) is arguably a best-case scenario for those who took the jabs. Exposé News says that “something much worse” could be happening that will soon manifest as the worst public health crisis the world has ever seen.”

“We already know that the “fully vaccinated” are more likely than the unvaccinated to test “positive” for the Fauci Flu. The fully jabbed are also more likely to get sick or die compared to the unvaccinated. How can this be if the injections supposedly save lives? In 2021, rates of AIDS-related diseases, cancers and infections reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) increased by anywhere from 1,145 percent to 33,715 percent. This occurred right after Chinese Virus injections were hastily introduced under Operation Warp Speed.”

And now we have monkeypox (version 2.0) spreading like wildfire across the globe. This virus that’s really difficult to spread from human to human seems to have “mutated” into not only a rapidly transmissible disease but has transformed itself from a fairly benign infection into something bordering on lethal.

As if this isn’t bad enough, the world’s food supply is being threatened by a shortage of fertilizer – a byproduct of the Russia/Ukraine conflict – along with masses of coincidental fires at food processing plants across the globe. Not only that, the food that we are getting is pretty much toxic.

“Worse than ever before, the US government and regulatory agencies have sped up the process of degrading human health, the environment and the entire supply chain for fuel, energy and food. It’s not only part of a master plan of depopulation, but one that is intended to sicken the populace so pitifully that they cannot defend themselves against the communist tyranny, nor can their children, or their children. It’s a multi-faceted war against earth and humanity, and it’s no conspiracy theory, because all of the signs and proof exist right out in plain sight, and have for years.”

“GMOs have pesticide genes embedded in them, so you can’t even wash off the poison. Beware of all conventional produce in this country, because the odds are, it will kill you quietly while also deforming offspring. Even fluoride purposely dripped into municipal tap water all across the USA is known to cause bone cancer and degraded IQ. When will the mayhem be put to a halt?”

I really recommend reading this article in its entirety also. For decades local governments have allowed fluoride to be pumped into reservoirs of drinking water. Fluoride is a toxic substance leftover from the aluminum smelting process that is being sold as a cure for cavities. One of the side effects of fluoride is that it makes people docile and was used in the Nazis during WWII to induce people into the ovens.

Does anybody actually believe that all of this stuff (and more) is happening by accident? This is all part of an agenda that includes killing off a good portion of humanity… see the Georgia Guidestones. The WEF, Bill Gates, and the other globalist elites have a plan and as George Carlin so eloquently put it: “It’s a big fucking club and you ain’t in it.” Klaus Schwab of the WEF was quoted saying: “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” This begs the question, who will own everything? I think the answer is pretty clear.

I’ve been giving a lot of thought in my old age about what it means to be a human being, about good and evil. To be human requires a soul. However, it’s come to my attention that there are people who have no souls, many of whom are in positions of power. A soul is the antithesis of ego, the narcissistic urge. Evil and ego, on the other hand, are synonymous. We all seem to be all too anxious to blame the evil that already resides in the hearts of people on Satan – “the devil made me do it.” This does nothing more than provide a straw man to blame for their own narcissism. The soulless people at the top of the food chain, the “movers and shapers,” are not driven by some external evil entity, but by their own egos and greed.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but instead of getting resistance fatigue I’m getting more and more pissed off, both at the globalists, but even more so at the people who refuse to hold them accountable for their actions. We are many and they are few. Now you’ll have to excuse me, I have to go and check on Johnny and Amber.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

More and more pissed of indeed ,.. but keeping my cool , as i know that the whole damn thing , like everything happening right now ,.. could be just a distraction for hiding something bigger , something outside any humans control on this planet .
Something cosmic , and i do not mean aliens .
To get some knowing on today's government's and propaganda media's plan's and heading's i just look at what Artist's are creating . Like the last Rammstein is very telling , Dicke Titten ,. about the importance of milk ,. and from Zeit , about time and getting lost in it ,.. or Angst ,..

Who's Jhonny or Amber ? .. ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Rammstein has always been one of my favorites. Dicke Titten is great! Johnny and Amber are just a Hollywood distraction.

Wearing down the saints just like the Bible says. You are 100% right on in your opening statements. They put out contradictory confusing stuff too in order to get people to stop trying to think and figure out "the truth". The idea is that folks will just give up saying, "ah, I don't know", throw up their hands and just do what they are told. Resistance fatigue. Yeah. That's exactly it.

Many police chiefs are freemasons. They are in the club.

Duck as they throw the kitchen sink over our heads. It's just down right laughable right now. The obvious BS.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am struck by the fertilizer bit today. Scarcities will lead to transformation of systems. The food we do eat will be less poisonous. They cannot control the remedies we come up with to stay alive, we are too diffuse, and very determined.

I've been adding up the cases of covid between the lethally injected and the uninjected, as reported in my local paper. There have been 649 cases in the jabbed, and 388 in the unjabbed. Yet they always go on to say that the best protection against covid is the lethal injection. Fewer and fewer are doing it though, and more and more wising up.

We really are many now. Growing. Live according to your own heart, not theirs, which is black, shrunken, and soulless.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So those police were local - they are confident of no consequences.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You know you live in a psychopathic state when every agency does the opposite of what it is supposed to do.
So long as you notice.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

More and more of the events in the world are absurd. The fatigue allows many of us to live in a surreal state, to think there is no other way to live. The rest of us know that state is illusion, and live in our own realities, also illusion. What we are learning is that we can create the world we want simply by imagining it!! And living it.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But sooner or later it all catches up with you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, this prevalent idea that one creates one's reality then doesn't mesh at all with the other popular idea that we are all connected!! I don't understand how people don't see that as a glaring contradiction.

Both prevalent in new-age-ism, which I dislike and smells like a psyop.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

OK OK. If you buy into the doom and gloom scenario, you live it and so you feed it. If you buy into the we are the true power, you live it and so you feed that. We can build a different world simply by living it. There is no other way. Will this protect us from all harm? Of course not. Many will suffer, many will die, but unless we imagine a different world, we cannot ever have it. We will get what we imagine is real. Simple.
I am aware that the likes of me have been accounted for, and controlled opposition has been unleashed. Trump is one example of that. But that does not reduce our power. We have to build a world of our own imagining, rather than living in a world that has been imagined for us.
So say no to the lethal injections. Grow your own food as much as possible. Both of these increase health. Remember that your neighbor is not a mass murderer and go over and give them hugs. Hug trees, love freely, do you.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm afraid that people don't think very much about things but just accept what their masters tell them. Tavistock has been pretty creative these days, at least since the 60's.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, but it means that inside that mush of a brain there really is very little going on!!
I mean, internal contradictions without perceptions - that's the aim of Newspeak.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm taking a bit of offense here. So I'm gonna elaborate.

Place your trust
out on the farthest limb
of you

OK I thought I was gonna elaborate, but a short poem came out instead. It elaborates what I wanted to say very well.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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