Success - Why Difficulties Sleeping Are Part Of The Plan!

in life •  4 years ago 

There are always better ways to become a better person. That answer inevitably leads to new questions, though. How will you know if what you're doing now is helping you or worsening the problem? All of that can lead to even more frustration and added difficulties, adding to the whole mess of being a better person and helping others become better people. That is why learning to let go and finally manage and eliminate all anger from your life is so very important to being a better person.

If we learn to do the things that allow us to gain control over our anger, it allows us to use that anger in much more constructive ways. Anger, after all, often does us more good than harm. Sometimes that means getting out of the house with a few extra bucks in my pocket instead of lashing out at the person who gave me bad news. Anger can also help us to deal with personal growth and development. Sometimes it even lets us get back up on our feet again, without taking up arms and fighting another bout of depression.

So, yes, it is possible for someone to find a way to let go of their anger and deal with that anger in constructive ways. They might not know how to let go, though. There are many things that can make it so difficult to let go, though. For one thing, letting go is one thing that is easy to do, but difficult to accomplish. Another difficulty with letting go is that most people find it extremely hard to do. And finally, for whatever reason, it just seems like there is always more things we need to do to make things right... and there are!

If we keep putting off learning how to let go and become better, we will never really master the art. No matter how much we try, we will never be able to let go completely and become better than we were before. We are going to have to keep practicing and trying. The great thing is that it doesn't take a whole lot to practice. All it takes is one very clear and specific action to make you feel better and create the needed change in your life for you to start practicing what you've learned and take the next step to become better.

One clear action is to stop making excuses for why you can't do something. It becomes easier to make decisions when you stop pretending to be someone who can't do it. Just because you made a decision not to do something today doesn't mean that you won't ever be able to do it tomorrow either. Life is always filled with new opportunities to learn and become better people. Stop looking for reasons not to do your best every single day.

It is OK to be frustrated or even mad at times, but don't let it get you down and stop trying to find solutions to everything. Focusing on what you can control instead of what you can't will help you focus on the positive instead of negative things and it will help you stop waiting for answers when you've already got them. Sometimes the only real answer is to continue to do more of the same until you can figure out exactly what needs to be done. There is hope and light at the end of the tunnel; just don't miss the turn and fall off the track as you head for the woodshed.

Our own personal integrity means so much to us. When we are living the kind of lives we want to lead, we often feel that we don't need to work too hard to achieve our goals. Living an honest life will allow you to attract more like-minded people to yourself and to help others. Honesty is the foundation for trust, which in turn allows others to trust you.

In our desire to keep things bottled up, we often hold ourselves back by putting up walls or engaging in resistance. The way of saying "I have difficulty sleeping" is a wall, a barrier, that holds us back from true success and happiness. Once we let go of the idea that we need to hold on to something, whether it's a dream, success, or anything else, then we become a better person in more ways than one. Let go and be willing to let go in other areas of your life too, and you will soon be on the road to becoming whatever it is that you have always wanted to be.

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