Real Happiness - How Social Media Can Make You Happier

in life •  4 years ago 

The difference between happiness and unhappiness is a question that many people ponder. There are many theories that attempt to answer this question, from looking at the way in which people perceive their own self-worth through a self-assessment questionnaire called the Mappiness Quotient to studying the effect of music on people's moods. While these are all interesting ways to try and find out if there is a link between music and happiness, there seems to be an even bigger gap between the world of musicians and the rest of us. This gap is in the realm of personal expression and happiness. Now many of the greatest musicians of all time, including Mozart and Beethoven have long since passed, but their work still lives on.

A new book by Dr. Steven Hendlin, known as the "father of modern yoga", hopes to tap into the potential for real happiness by using a technique known as the" Insight Meditation". Insight meditation uses "mindfulness" and other psychological tools to help you discover your real happiness. You can read more about this book and how to get some real peace of mind by visiting Oprah Magazine's website.

There are different ways of doing insight meditation, and according to Dr. Hendlin, the simplest is to follow a simple instruction manual. Basically, the instructions are broken down into 28-day steps that should be completed in a specific order. The first step of the instructions will teach you how to meditate properly. You will then be led through an introduction to yoga and meditation, explaining the difference between relaxation and concentration and how the techniques differ. The next step will introduce you to the actual 28-day program, which will require daily meditation for every day of the program.

In this article we will examine what this program teaches you to do to discover true happiness. At the very end of this article, I will present what this program has taught me. But first, let's have a quick look at what happiness is. According to Dr. Marquis Bennington, the Mayo Clinic, "happiness is a state of well-being, or a positive emotional reaction to an event or situation." According to the American Psychological Association, "an unhappy mood, more than anything else, impacts our health, but it does not have lasting physiological effects."

Happiness is something that everyone is capable of achieving, and that most people want. The thing about happiness is that it is a very abstract concept. Most people want to be happy, but they don't always know exactly how to achieve it. As a result, many people turn to things like motivational speakers or even hypnosis to help them experience the happiness that they crave.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with what a happy life feels like, here are some tips. Motivational speakers usually begin their speeches with a story about a time when they were in the trenches fighting to make their dreams come true. Perhaps they overcame tremendous hardships or had personal battles with addiction. Regardless of the story, the speaker will usually end his speech with a message of hope. He wants you to be happy because making your dream a reality is worth the struggles and sacrifices that you have made in order to make it happen.

If you want your life to be a happy one, you need to make sure that you are using your brain and your heart to get there. Many times, we let our hands take control of what we are accomplishing and this is why we are more likely to find ourselves complaining and blaming others for our woes. However, it takes two hands to clap and it takes only one heart to give a happy birthday gift. Therefore, if you would like to be truly happy, you need to harness both your brain and your heart in order to do it. This is where social media can come in and play a big role.

Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube can actually be a huge asset when it comes to generating happy thoughts and feelings. The most successful entrepreneurs are those who get involved with their friends and families and interact with them. Although this may seem like a difficult task when you are first starting out, the more time you spend connecting with the people that care about you, the happier you will eventually become.

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