Practice Self Awareness

in life •  3 years ago 

How many times have you heard that practice makes perfect or how good you will become if you continually practice being aware of your body? It is a quote that can be applied to self-awareness in general. The more aware you are of yourself the better you can be. Self-awareness is the starting point for any improvement you want to make in your life.

Emotionally intelligent individuals are constantly self-aware. They know how to deal with difficult situations and they always stay calm. They are always looking for solutions instead of getting frustrated. If you want to be like them you need to get better at self-awareness.

Being aware of your environment and surroundings can help you avoid trouble. You should also learn to recognize your strengths and weaknesses. These are the things that can be improved upon. By doing this you will be able to do something about it if and when a need arises.

Self-awareness also includes analyzing your health, finances and relationships. We all possess certain characteristics that we can use to our advantage. We all have the potential to create a better future if we are willing to work on our weaknesses. This is why self-awareness and awareness is very important.

Your growth as an individual can be greatly affected by the way you feel about yourself. By practicing self-awareness you will be able to improve yourself. Self-awareness does not stop with improving yourself but it can also improve the people around you.

If you feel that you are worthless, you will have a hard time trying to improve yourself or the situation around you. If you feel that you have nothing to offer, other than your own physical appearance, you will have a difficult time getting others to appreciate you. Self-awareness can change your view on these things. Instead of seeing them as weaknesses you will see them as strengths.

You have the power to change the world. You have the ability to eliminate poverty, disease and lack of opportunity. If you practice self-awareness you will find that it is very easy to become aware of what you deserve and how you can improve your circumstances. You will also become aware of the opportunities that lie in front of you, waiting for you to grab them.

You will become less dependent on others to feel good about who you are. You will grow as an individual and you will start to learn more about yourself. When you are self-aware you will be more willing to accept help from others. When you practice self-awareness you will also be a loving person and everyone will enjoy being around you.

Your sense of self-worth will improve when you learn to look at yourself objectively. When you realize that you have the ability to change your circumstances for the better you will be more confident and when you have a positive attitude you will feel much better about yourself. When you have a positive attitude you will be open to learning new things and expanding your mind. Your goals and dreams will be closer than you imagine.

When you practice self-awareness you will have an improved way of listening to others and they in turn will respond positively to your presence. This will make it easier for you to speak your mind. When you speak you have an impact on those around you and by speaking positively you will influence your thought process and change it in a positive direction. Those around you will begin to respond to your positive attitude instead of trying to change your outlook.

Self-awareness is the first step to improving relationships. If you want your relationship to be healthy and happy then you need to become more aware of what is happening in both of your minds. When you are more aware of your thoughts and feelings you will be able to take a step back and listen to others feelings more easily. By practicing self-awareness you will also become more aware of how you are feeling when you speak or act out situations. You will be able to control and change them so that they do not negatively affect others around you.

The more you practice self-awareness the more aware you will become of your thoughts and feelings. This will enable you to speak and act in a manner that does not hurt anyone else. The more control you feel you have over your actions the happier everyone else will feel around you. As you practice self-awareness you will find that you will become more assertive with the people around you, which will make them feel good. You will learn to become compassionate toward yourself as well as others. Your self-awareness will improve as time goes on, and you will be ready to take on any relationship and situation head on.

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Very beautiful shot