Overcoming Perfectionism: Embracing Imperfection and Finding Balance

in life •  2 years ago 

Overcoming perfectionism isn't about being perfect, it's about being happy and productive while accepting and embracing imperfection.

It starts with accepting yourself. We all have something we dislike about ourselves. Some of us are more accepting of it than others.

You can start by practicing positive self-talk. This is the act of focusing on the positive things you already do rather than the negative things you don't.

I know how easy it is to get down on yourself when you feel like you're not living up to your potential. It can seem like you're falling short of someone else's expectations of you.

I've been there myself. I used to feel like I wasn't smart enough to be successful. I felt like an imposter and a failure.

If you're struggling with perfectionism, here are five steps you can take to overcome it.

  1. Identify and Confront your Fears

Perfectionism stems from fear. What are you afraid of? How does this fear manifest in your life? What are the consequences of not overcoming this fear?

Facing your fears is a big step towards overcoming perfectionism. Once you identify your fears, you'll be able to take appropriate action and gain the confidence you need to achieve your goals.

  1. Focus on the Positive

Remember the three types of thoughts: positive, negative, and neutral? Positive thoughts lift you up, whereas negative thoughts bring you down.

Start each day off with positive affirmations and stay positive throughout the day. Think about the good things that happened during the day.

Focus on what you did accomplish instead of what you didn't. Don't let your negative self talk and thoughts consume you.

  1. Practice Relaxation Techniques

This one is probably obvious, but it's easy to get stressed out and tense up when you're worried about your performance.

Relaxation techniques are proven to reduce stress and improve focus. They include breathing exercises and meditation.

You don't need to become a spiritual guru or religious fanatic to benefit from relaxation. Anytime you can clear your mind and relax, it makes you stronger.

  1. Seek Feedback

Seek feedback from other people. Sometimes we don't hear what people really think of our work.

You can ask friends, family members, and coworkers for honest feedback. Make sure to give them permission to tell you the truth.

Take notes and review your progress. If you notice you're starting to lose track of what you've done, stop.

  1. Do Something You Enjoy

There are only so many hours in a day. You can spend them doing stuff you enjoy or you can spend them being frustrated by your lack of progress.

Think of something you enjoy doing. Perhaps it's playing the piano, painting, sculpting, or dancing.

If you find it hard to stay motivated, do something you love. You'll find yourself wanting to continue.

If you need help overcoming your perfectionism, check out the coaching program I

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