Optimist Versus pessimist - The Difference Between Optimists & Pessimists

in life •  3 years ago 

Is there really such thing as a guaranteed opportunity in every situation? What about a guaranteed income? Is it possible to be successful without putting forth any effort whatsoever? Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an opportunity in every situation, but there are certainly opportunities in most if not all situations.

An optimist always sees an opportunity in every difficulty; a pessimist always sees an obstacle in every opportunity; an optimist sees both opportunity and obstacle in almost every situation. A pessimist believes that there is either an obstacle or an opportunity in every difficulty; an optimist believes in neither. A pessimist believes there is either an opportunity or an obstacle in almost every situation; an optimist believes that there is either an opportunity or an obstacle in nearly every situation. What's your opinion?

I believe that there is always an opportunity in every difficulty and there is almost always an obstacle in just about every opportunity. The difference between optimists and pessimists is that optimists believe that there is an opportunity in every difficulty while the pessimists believe there is an obstacle in almost every opportunity! You see, optimism is seeing all obstacles as opportunities for something better while pessimists believe that there is always an obstacle in everything. In order to succeed, you must create something better or be the person that fixes everything. Sounds like a pretty good description of life, doesn't it?

A pessimist believes that there is no possibility for anything good ever to happen while an optimist believes that everything is possible. What's the difference? They both believe there is a possibility and failure. Optimists believe that there is an opportunity for a calamity while pessimism feels that there is a chance for an unfortunate calamity. Is the distinction between these two views different? If so, how can an individual be successful at anything that he or she does regardless of which attitude that person takes?

The answer to that question lies in what the pessimist views as possibilities. Optimist views every difficulty as an opportunity for something better while pessimism sees every difficulty as an obstacle that must be overcome. This means that if an optimist views a problem as an opportunity for something better than he or she will take any steps necessary to make that opportunity happen while the pessimist views problems as obstacles that have to be overcome. However, in order for your success to be permanent and not temporary you must use the ability to see both opportunities and obstacles with your very own eyes.

So how do you use your abilities to view every opportunity as a blessing and every obstacle as a curse? The first step that you must take is to acknowledge that every difficulty has its own potential for the future while every opportunity presents only a possibility. After you have accepted this truth, you are already half way toward being an optimist.

Now, when it comes to being an optimist or a pessimist you must learn how to balance your beliefs. Remember that when you are faced with a problem that makes you feel as if you are not doing your best you immediately begin to feel as if the world is coming to an end and that nothing good is going to happen. However, this is not true. In fact, that same feeling of dread that comes from having too much worry is exactly what you need in order to turn that potential into an actuality. Optimist views each and every difficulty as a blessing in disguise because each and every possible calamity also has its very own potential for the future.

When you work on your belief that each and every opportunity presents only possibilities, you will begin to see everything through the positive lens of an optimist. This means that rather than seeing every difficulty as a reason not to try at all you will instead view each and every opportunity as a chance to improve upon your past mistakes and get even better results. You will no longer look at each and every possible problem as a reason to give up. Instead you will see it as an opportunity to get even better and learn from past mistakes while trying out even more advanced methods to improve upon your current strengths.

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