Motivation Leads And Productivity Results

in life •  4 years ago 

Motivation is an important factor to keep employees motivated. Motivation starts the minute an employee steps on the job. It continues through every step of the way, from meeting customers and clients to doing the jobs required by the organization. Employees should be motivated to perform their tasks so that the work of the entire organization will improve. If an individual is motivated to work harder, then there won't be much effort involved in the job. In fact, the work will be more enjoyable.

There are several other factors that contribute to the success of an organization, but this is the most important factor. Motivation can come from a number of sources, including colleagues, bosses, colleagues, and parents, among others. Whatever the source of motivation, it should be clear to the employee why he is being given the motivation.

Cleanliness is one of the major hygiene factors that employees should be aware of. This contributes to a happy, healthy, and motivated work environment. Cleanliness starts with the office itself. When someone walks in to the office, does not smell nice and smells like an animal urine or some garbage, he or she will be quickly noticed and could lose motivation. Therefore, when cleaning in the office, it is important to keep personal items such as razors, or any sharp object far away from the desks, and keep all personal hygiene products in labeled boxes and out of sight, so that they cannot be mistaken as things that can be used for personal use.

Another way to keep dirt and grime from reaching the desks is to have a good trash and bathroom policy. When an employee leaves the office, it is highly recommended that he or she goes out to the trash area where they can throw their trash in large piles. It is highly important to have high open doors and windows that allow air to flow, preventing stale air from entering the offices. Having high windows also helps to give a very pleasant environment in which to work because even the slightest breeze can help with highly motivated employees' productivity.

Motivation leads people to want to do what has been asked of them. A simple task may seem like a huge burden when no immediate benefit is promised, but when that task is completed the intrinsic motivation is released, which then encourages people to stay motivated. Employees that face difficulties are the ones that face the most extrinsic motivation. The first extrinsic motivation that they receive is often a pat on the back, and sometimes this can lead to a bit of excitement. However, if the work is not challenging, and there is no immediate reward, extrinsic motivation will not serve its purpose.

Therefore, keeping the environment clean, having pleasant smells around the office, and maintaining an easygoing attitude among employees are all great ways to keep employees from feeling pressured and will keep them from losing their motivation. This process of positive motivation can lead to more job satisfaction for employees. Another important factor is health and hygiene factors. Cleanliness in the office will not only make the place more comfortable and healthy, it will also attract good clients. Good hygiene leads to good working conditions and a healthier work atmosphere. Having an organized office will also help keep employees motivated as well.

Health and hygiene also affect employee motivation as both improve employee retention. If a workplace is free of germs and well ventilated, there will be little or no temptation to skip work. This will encourage better work performance and increase the likelihood that employees will be encouraged to do their best. Surveys have proven that employee retention is an important part of any company's profitability. So, keeping your employees happy and satisfied in the work environment will boost employee satisfaction surveys and profits.

Engaged workers remain engaged in their jobs for longer periods of time. The best way to retain your most motivated employees is to encourage them to be their best. You should be able to get motivated employees to really commit to their tasks by rewarding them when their efforts are being rewarded. Rewards and encouragement are important factors in keeping your most motivated employees engaged.

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