Guilt - The Most Destructive Energy in the Universe

in life •  2 years ago 

Guilt is an emotion that affects our lives. We feel it as a result of a mistake we've made, a suspicion of our behavior, a slip up at work, a fight with a lover, or a phone call from our mother. When we feel this way, we feel as though we are walking on eggshells.

Feeling guilty
Feeling guilty is an inherently negative energy that can't be eliminated, and it can lead to a range of unhelpful behaviors. For example, feeling guilty can prevent you from forming new relationships. It can also cause you to subconsciously sabotage yourself, leading to burnout and depression.

The problem with feeling guilty is that it clings to our thoughts, and that causes us to feel bad about ourselves. The feeling of guilt is often miasmic, and it can be triggered by outside circumstances, such as a slip-up at work, a fight with a lover, or a phone call from a parent. When we feel guilty, we feel like we are walking on a tightrope, unable to do anything.

Feeling shame
Feeling shame is an emotional response to an act of wrongdoing or perceived failure. It can be accompanied by physical symptoms such as chest tightness and dizziness. It can also lead to self-destructive behaviors. Its presence is often a trigger for eating disorders, workaholism, and perfectionism.

Studies have shown that feelings of shame affect health and well-being. A team of psychologists led by Ulrich Orth studied more than two thousand volunteers, most of whom were from the U.S. The researchers discovered that age is a factor in the propensity to experience shame, with a decrease starting at middle age and lasting until the age of 50. The authors suggest that this pattern may be a function of personality development.

Feeling regret
Feeling regret is an emotion that can have negative impacts on our mind and body. It is a symptom of depression, and it can lead to rumination and self-blame. It can also lead to chronic stress, affecting our immune and hormonal systems. Furthermore, regret can delay our recovery from a stressful event in our lives. It can last for days, weeks, or even years.

Those who make decisions with a large degree of external influence experience less regret. Their choices are largely influenced by rationalization and cognitive dissonance, which minimize personal responsibility. As a result, they often suppress regrets on a daily basis. For example, if they know they can't return an item, they are less likely to feel regret when they do.

Feeling unworthy
If you are suffering from feelings of unworthiness, there are several things you can do to change your mindset. First, you need to recognize the reasons behind the feelings of unworthiness. You may be experiencing them because of past events or from your own inadequacies. You may also be suffering from them because of the way you view yourself.

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