Abilities to Help Others

in life •  4 years ago 

What are the qualifications for Abilities to Help Others? It is a program developed by Bob Proctor, a Christian educator and motivational speaker. He has worked with people in a variety of fields including education, the military, and other areas. The program shares Proctor's belief that God intended for all of us to become a helping God, that we were created with inherent skills to help others. The program teaches you three skills you can use to develop your abilities to help others: compassion, integrity, and truth.

Compassion - "You can't take the wheel to the place you want to go." I remember hearing that quote as a child growing up and I realized how untrue it was then and even more so now. You may think that you are able to help someone without having compassion for them first. But really, without compassion you won't be able to share your blessings with others - you'll be able to give, but you won't be able to receive. If you want to have compassion for others, then learn to share your blessings with others by helping those in need.

Integrity - Learning to be honest with yourself is essential. It's easy to justify things we've done in the past, but we have to come to terms with what we did wrong. If we don't own up to our mistakes, we can't help others with their issues. By owning up to our wrong doing, we can become better people, husbands and fathers.

Truthfulness - People will always need and value your honest opinion. If you're not honest with your opinion about something, you can't honestly help others with it. Think of opinions as cold, hard facts. You don't know unless you dig them up. Sometimes it takes digging. So be honest with yourself and share your opinion - even if you don't fully agree.

Caring and Being Emotionally Involved - If you are able to experience deeply the feelings of someone or something, then you are a good listener. Listen to others, without judgment. Try to understand where they are coming from, how they are feeling, and their position in life. Then, you can empathize with them and offer your support - without judging them.

Skills in Relationships - You are unique, so your emotional and interpersonal skills will be special too. Your abilities to help others and make a commitment to help others are unique. Your unique gifts will help you in a relationship. It doesn't matter whether it's romantic family or professional.

Being of Service - There is a great deal that you can do as a volunteer to improve the world. Go out and make a difference in the world at large. If you have certain talents and skills that could be of service to society, then use them to serve those who need and deserve your help. For example, maybe you have knowledge about child safety issues. That could help a lot of children that are suffering from a serious illness or disease.

Be aware that you don't always know exactly what you are capable of doing; so, be open to learning new things and abilities. By being open to trying new things, you will be more confident, and your abilities to help others and make a positive difference in the world will grow stronger as you practice them. The more you practice your skills, the better you will become at them.

Sense of Humor - People with great social skills are excellent at impressing those around them. You might think that this would not apply to you, but actually, when you are having a good time, you will find that others will pick up on your sense of humor. When you have a good time, your confidence will rise, and you will feel better about helping others. This will help you gain more respect from those around you.

When you are talking with others, use your signature voice. This means that, even though you are not saying a word, the sound of your voice will speak volumes. Use your voice to bring some attention to a subject, or show a photo of yourself or something that you have done. By using your abilities to help others, you will find that you will have an endless list of abilities to share.

There are so many wonderful opportunities waiting for us each day. Why wait for someone else to help you achieve your dreams? Discover your abilities to help others in your life today!

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