What Do We Need Motivation For?

in life •  4 years ago 

Motivation is what keeps us going in life, no matter what. Without motivation, we slip into a state of apathy and inertia - two things that drag us down and hinder us from achieving the things in life we truly desire. It is our motivation that keeps us working towards our goals, even when it seems there are no positive results to our efforts. It is our motivation that compels us to reach for new heights and brings us back again to the starting point each time.

For most of us, our motivation comes through being inspired by someone or something in our lives. We may have heard inspiring quotes, read about inspirational people, or even experienced our share of inspiration while looking at beautiful scenery, remarkable sunrise, or hilarious sunset. Our motivation has a way of inspiring us to take action, and these are the results we seek. Our motivation inspires us to find new things, it motivates us to overcome challenges, and it also lifts us up when we fail and come back bigger and better than before.

But why do we need motivation to keep us going? Why don't we just be passive and expect things to happen as they please without any drive or motivation on our end? Well, sometimes this just doesn't work. Sometimes we get so caught up in watching the clock tick away that we can't stop ourselves from getting behind schedule, let alone completing what we set out to do. This is motivation, and when we lack motivation, it's almost impossible to ever catch up and keep moving forward.

If we find ourselves having to drag ourselves every single day to a different objective, whether it is to find out how to drive further, to find out how to grow a bigger family, or to improve upon our current job performance, we know that we are lacking motivation. In fact, sometimes when we are forced to try to accomplish a task that really gets us down, it is motivation to finally do something about it. We may not see the end result of what we are putting ourselves through but we will see positive changes in our lives if we are persistent. And that is what we need motivation for.

It doesn't have to come from a special source. Once we start getting into the habit of finding motivation from within, we begin to see great changes in our lives. We may find that we have changed, not only in the things that we do, but more importantly, in the way that we look at the world and ourselves. This often leads to self-doubt and self-limiting. We need motivation to push ourselves beyond those limitations and see what we can achieve.

When we can keep motivation going, we can use it to motivate others to do the same. If you are working in an office and don't have much time to spend with your friends, it won't help if you put yourself in front of the mirror and focus on your face while you are writing. However, if you take time to stop and reflect a bit on your life, you may find that there are more things in your life worth motivating than the lack of free time. It is your choice. Find something in your life that you are passionate about and spend some time doing it.

Once you find your motivation, stick with it. Don't give up on it once or twice. While we can sometimes get distracted, once we find our way back to our motivation, we have a better chance of staying consistent. Once we find our way back, we have to work even harder to maintain that motivation. Don't give up!

So what do we do with motivation when we can't seem to find it? Sometimes, just having the right motivation in place can be enough to keep us going. If you find that you just can't motivate yourself to do the things that you need to do, consider writing down your goals and the reasons why you need to do them, and then make sure that you keep up with those goals. Motivation is what we need in order to be successful in our lives. Once we tap into that motivation, we will be able to do almost anything that we set our minds to.

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