Ways of Being Attractive in Any Relationship

in life •  4 years ago 

"How do I be attractive in any relationship?" This is the inevitable question that every person will ask at some time in his life. The answer to this question is very complicated and varies from one person to the next. However, one thing is for certain and that is if you don't have a strong self-esteem you will never become attractive to anyone because your value will always be based on your outer appearance.

Everyone has an inner critic. Even you. If you listen to this critic in your head all the time you will never develop self-esteem or become attractive to anyone. Your inner critic will criticize you and tell you how you look and what you should and shouldn't do. And if you let this go on too long it can start to take over your life so you will start to look down on people and behave badly.

These are just a small sample of all the things your inner critic will say to you. You will listen to them all day long even while you are doing the right thing. But you will never change and this is what bothers you. So what can you do to prevent this? Well there are only three things you can do to make yourself more attractive to others. They are:

Catch yourself saying the correct thing. If you are listening to your inner critic, you will never catch yourself saying the wrong thing. As soon as you start saying the right thing you will feel good about yourself and your inner critic will disappear gradually. Start by reading sadhana shivani sadhitsu or sadhayana shivani sadhitsu daily and you will be amazed by the number of quotes you will find that help you develop self-esteem and stop being a victim of your own image.

Give yourself less time to think about yourself. Do not worry if you do not get what you want from your partner immediately. Give her space and try something new. You will be surprised to notice that if you give your partner less time to think about herself she will in turn tend to think more about you and this will improve your level of self-esteem.

Do not allow yourself to be rushed. If you do not take your time you will also not take your chances of being attractive in any relationship. Girls are very particular about looks. So, if you want to be attractive in any relationship then learn how to attract a girl quickly by avoiding rushing and delaying.

Never buy into the old rubbish that looks like it will work only for a short time. Read books on dating and relationships. Learn what works for other people and apply it.

Get enough sleep. Enough rest and sleep will help you rejuvenate your body which will allow you to look and feel your best. A lot of guys become shallow and start to neglect their body during the day. This is one of the most common mistakes that guys make if they want to be attractive in any relationship. If you want to be attractive in any relationship then you must make sure that you take your time and take care of yourself because girls are attracted to this.

When you are on a date with a girl always remember that it is time for you to slow down a bit. Girls do not like guys who rush things. If you think you are doing things right then it is time for you to take a bit more time and learn how to deal with the situation. Learn how to deal with girls, and learn when to slow down so that she does not get upset with you.

Always remember that you should never let go off any of her friends while you are on a date. She might think that you are going out with all the girls but in fact you are just fooling around. Do not let your ego take over the relationship, do not try to get the best out of the other girl. She might think that you are just wasting your time so do not do this.

If you are looking for ways of how to be attractive in any relationship. Then you have come to the right place. It is important that you learn to listen. Girls are attracted to men who really listen to them. They will tell you anything, even if it is something that they do not believe in. Listen and you will surely learn the secrets of how to be attractive to girls.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Kindness always works. The way everyone on Blurt is kind.