Use Acceptance to Empower Self Acceptance

in life •  4 years ago 

Acceptance in human society is the voluntary assent of an individual to the truth of a set of terms, conditions or a situation without trying to alter it or challenge it. The concept is akin in meaning to consent, derived from the Latin optere. Acceptance may be voluntary or involuntary; in some cases it may even be the product of thought and feeling. It is often paired with humility or submission in order to promote the acceptance of the terms or conditions as decided upon. People who exhibit these traits are said to be 'warmly embraced.'


A person with acceptance may use quotation marks around words that denote deep feelings: 'love,' 'hate, ''respect' and 'fellow-feeling.' If you do not use quotation marks, you indicate that what is being spoken is a neutral idea. If, on the other hand, you use them, you indicate your personal or emotional reaction to what is being stated. For example: 'My partner has made me so happy that I can't help but smile.'

Acceptance may be voluntary or involuntary; it may be a conscious act or a response to another's expression of acceptance or an unconscious one. An acceptance that is coerced, however, is a sign of servitude and is not a binding contract between individuals. The terms of acceptance may themselves be conditioned by the conditions of other individuals who are also expressing conditional acceptance. For example: 'I feel very lucky to have met so wonderful a girl/boy.'

Acceptance is a two-way street, often equated with reciprocity. If an individual says: 'You enjoy my company,' he is accepting a citation needed to be acknowledged. 'You appreciate my sense of humor,' he is accepting a citation needed to be acknowledged. 'I am so glad our children are growing up so early,' he is accepting a citation needed to be acknowledged. And: 'I will miss having you at my side always.' Acceptance is not a gesture; it is an action.

Acceptance is the first step in the verbal process of declaring intent to agree, affirm, concur, submit, affirm, believe, hope, intend, or propose. Acceptance, therefore, is the beginning of a discussion between two or more people. It is not an act, an event, a command, an assertion, or even a commitment. As a writer, whose words will impact the readers' perceptions of you and your business, you should not overlook accepting responsibility for any implied acceptance or affirmation.

Your acceptance may be implicit, based on your silence or on a prior statement of yours. It may be an implied approval that was not expressed explicitly. If you want to ensure that your readers understand that your agreement is an assent, you must assure them of your acceptance when they read your writing. This can be done by using the word "assent" to indicate your agreement.

You can use an acceptance or response template message as a guide in creating your acknowledgment. However, your tone, the wording, and your emphasis should be determined by the needs of your readers. A tone of acceptance should be used when making a general statement or when announcing a specific action. In a case such as requesting financial assistance from the government, an acceptance statement could be used. "The government would like to see that you are aware of the programs designed to assist individuals who need help with paying their bills."

Acceptance is an important part of the verbal communication process and should be used consistently and deliberately to promote self-acceptance. The quotation above is an example of a self-acceptance quote. The quote is "Self-acceptance is the first step toward total freedom." The implication is that once you have accepted yourself, you can then let go of the social approval that people give to others. The quote above is a great way to get your message across and to use acceptance as a catalyst for change. The bottom line in this example is to use acceptance to encourage your readers to do the same.

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