Only Causes Indignation In The Long Run Because They Don't Do Anything!

in life •  4 years ago 

Is a dog the only animal that only causes anguish in the long run because nothing is permanent in this world? Well, maybe yes, maybe no. However, it's not going to take you very long to realize that dogs do have their place in the family and they should be treated as part of the family and not just an animal to be used for entertainment. It's sad but true that there are many who abuse their pets and if you are one of these individuals then you better think twice about your ways before you come around to abusing a dog even more.

Dogs are wonderful companions and they bring joy to people. They're very loyal and when properly cared for can become very attached to their owners and get involved in all sorts of activities with them. However, most dogs get spayed or neutered and this should be done in order to help reduce the chances of dogs getting involved in any bad habits like begging, digging, jumping on people and tearing up things. When dogs don't have a desire to engage in those bad habits then they will stop doing it. It takes a long time to cure a dog of any bad habit so by spaying or neutering your dog you are helping them avoid doing it in the future and that will pay off for a long time to come.

Dogs have to be fed three times a day and they need to exercise on a daily basis as well. They need to be taken for walks on a regular basis and in addition to that, you may want to get your dog into some kind of dog agility competition once in a while. Sometimes dogs act up and can't control themselves, so you may want to attend a dog obedience class. This is a great way to work out your pooch as well as have them involved in something that brings them enjoyment such as competition. You will find it a lot of fun as well as a great way to bond with your family dog. It's a win-win situation.

Do you know that many dogs simply love to play with water? This is especially true when it comes to Labs. If your Lab has some space in his crate then he can enjoy himself by splashing around in it as well as bathing himself and having some fun in the water.

A Lab is also known as a "pooper" so it's important that you make sure that your dog is kept clean and fresh. It can be pretty disgusting to look at and if you only cause your dog to be filthy then it will only cause him to have more problems later down the road. A dirty dog is one that is more likely to get sick and possibly even have some kind of disease. So you need to train your dog not to do this.

You have to teach your dog what is acceptable behavior. For example, one time your dog did relieve himself on the sofa and you got really upset because you knew that he shouldn't. You used your voice and told him no and then you waited for him to do his thing and then told him no one needs to go near him and then let him find his own comfort spot. He didn't bother to stop and soon thereafter he managed to clean up all of his mess all over your furniture.

There are plenty of other things that you can teach your dog. One is how to sit properly in the right position. Another is how to keep your chin out when you're talking to him. Your dog wants to be your friend so he'll do what you ask of him. If he doesn't then you should show him what you want him to do. If he goes ahead and does what you want then he's a good dog.

Training your dog can be a wonderful thing. However, there are many situations that only cause your dog to act up. For example, if you're outside and he sees another dog that is running through the area he will immediately get agitated and think it's a threat to his family. If your dog sees another dog and thinks it might harm his family then he will also think about it and get agitated even more. So, by paying attention to these situations and teaching your dog the proper etiquette you will be able to eliminate these types of problems and only cause your dog problems that won't last for very long.

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