RE: Who's the most muted person?

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Who's the most muted person?

in life •  2 years ago 

Glad you appreciated my exchange with double-u. It took some time for me to get tired of him running around pushing his lies (which saw the price drop significantly) as he stirred a growing mob up against the Blurt foundation. He is a trip in his anger at megadrive and by extension myself.

I notice he refuses to engage with you, and quickly has placed you on his mute list.

Click account tab then the mute tab to see who you have muted and who has muted you.

When I first got here I muted quite a few of the narcissistic selfie girls as there wasn't a lot of English posts and many that were being posted were ESL using a translator. So it made sense to me to knock the lowest quality from the new list while I searched for folks who interested me.

In hindsight now that some of the truthers have migrated over here I realize how much I grew to enjoy the lack of controversy and at times seeming innocence that was here when I got here. It reminded me a lot of what hooked me on Steem.

One of my first posts I encountered there was a young man in Africa posting his thanks that Steem had allowed him to buy some new shoes and eat at a restaurant with friends. Before Steem his life didn't allow for such extravagance. That opened my eyes a lot to what was possible in this economic model here, allowing someone of meager means like myself to actually make an impact for someone else whose local economic conditions demanded much less than mine to thrive.

Of course the fake beggars stood out more glaringly as well, but it didn't take long to find some really good folks here who have a conduct to themselves because of the harshness of their life that isn't as pretentious and arrogant as so many in the west excusing their bad manners and condescending as muh free speech.

I've always appreciated you and have seen you make distinctions that allow others the dignity that their presentation deserves. I'm glad that you're here, despite my pulling back because I think you are the perfect ingredient to keep some of the more arrogant condescending "truthers" accountable as many of them have changed the mood drastically in some ways. Not all bad, but I notice among some here that it comes across similar to letting the wolf into the chicken house.

I'm sorry this is so long winded, but this is really important to me and I thank you for indulging me in this.

One example I noticed really quick when I got here if I disagreed with another, the typical response ranged from apologetic to being open to exploring. There was no arrogance and in fact I found myself a little taken aback at first at such diplomacy and openness. Reminded me many times of a good natured inquisitive child who hasn't yet been jaded by contrasts and schemes. Yet I knew all to well they probably endured much harsher schemes than many of us have in the west.

I suspect your presence here will be the perfect ingredient to keeping those boundaries between the arrogance and the innocence in place.

I'm really glad you found your way here. I'll still be peeking in and curating, just not spending time posting and commenting as I am right now.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I re BLURT ed for this exchange 👍

Thank you :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank YOU


I had to find a version that was in English, but felt a chill during one segment.

He was told that his life was Gods will, and he replied that it wasn't his. Reminded me a bit of Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I see a lot of Shiva in Samson... or vice versa...
and the language selection was for "others"

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If you go to my whales shares comment section you'll catch a lot of double-u in my exchange with a megawhale vacuum @freedomexists. I've seemingly always despised arrogance and lies and fabrication, and more than anything, the stupidity of it, so if the trolls are running amok, I'll consume them. Speaking of some of the * IQ overly exaggerations * around here who reads as every other thought is trailing off, sometimes, every other word, is it true that if I were to mute someone, they couldn't vote for my comments for example? the thewalkingexaggeration seems to think so, which would be classic response, they can't even respond with a mocking vote!

BTW Thank you for entrusting me to protect the innocence from the stupid tyranny. May God have mercy on them because I'm all out of bubble gum.

Posted from

The way the new mute is supposed to work (there is a glitch in it) is if you mute someone they aren't supposed to be able to comment on your posts or comments. They can still see your posts and comments and vote for them however.

There was a meltdown from some of the truther crowd calling that censorship. I disagreed and laid out why here.

It garnered a response post as you can imagine. It also was supported by the same anti foundation whales who were rewarding the 07/07 lie narrative.

BTW Thank you for entrusting me to protect the innocence from the stupid tyranny. May God have mercy on them because I'm all out of bubble gum.

The thanks are mine. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm in agreement with it not being censorship btw, takes a certain kind of arrogant entitlement to suggest that because people don't want certain people to respond, they are censoring them instead of having boundaries and some actual ownership over their little corner. The malicious imbeciles can't appreciate boundaries or ownership in that sense, they think its depriving them of some intrinsic right to come into your home and lay a steamy one right on your pantry.

Posted from

The malicious imbeciles can't appreciate boundaries or ownership in that sense, they think its depriving them of some intrinsic right to come into your home and lay a steamy one right on your pantry.

Exactly. I do find it interesting how some who are doing this (complaining about not being able to take that steamy) are being encouraged by more powerful accounts. It comes across to me they are being directed like puppets to keep the FUD going for reasons that probably have little to do with the current (in this case muting) complaining/raging.

Interestingly many of those who I've watched being directed write a lot with a tone of disgust on the left on how easily manipulable they are. So easy to see in others flaws that in ourselves we are blind to. At times it makes me sad at how so many who are so close to seeing veer off and don't consider that they aren't some super human immune to this tendency that is built (or trained) into us.

Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. Even knowing this flaw about myself for much of my life I still catch myself much more than I like in flawed position of thought (trance).

If more folks would understand this flaw they see in others is likely running just as rampant in themselves they likely would become less arrogant and have more compassion for others who are trapped by the same dynamics, just different paint covering the trap.

It's a pleasure watching you expose these areas, although it reinforces to myself as spectator how often the response is to defend the program vigorously regardless of the cost instead of examining the mechanism one is using to understand why one is using it.

Shame so many are frightened by the idea that we might be swimming in a pool of ignorance and what we might take as being super smart is really only a small flotation device in this immense pool.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They say there should be a balance between the heart and brain, I speak from my gut and don't consider my heart, only my brain. I think I just considered my heart for the first time, I think..

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So it's not fully implemented then and it doesn't stop people from voting, in effect it doesn't do anything, do they still see you then?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Maybe one can put it to the test. Gathering a group which purposefully tests it out for a period of time; if one wants to bother.

I have understood that when you mute a user, not only can you not see his comments under your postings but also this user cannot interact with those who comment on your blog site. I am not even sure, if this can be technically achieved and so I asked where the news were spread in this way (

This feature opens up the ability for self-moderation of one's own comment space, this addition will be crucial for businesses and families joining Blurt, both of which may require a santised discussion.

The change is at the frontend level and does not affect the blockchain, and includes the automatic enhancement of the mute feature to extend beyond the author to his audience as well. In this update, any user muted by the author will not have their comments visible in the comments thread of the author's blog post. This applies whether readers are logged in or not.

Under the post, it was further asked:

So if I Mute someone, they cannot Reply to my post, but can they Reply to those who leave comments? ...

Answer from tech/dev/management was:

I confirmed with tekraze and the muted party shouldn’t be able to comment on any comments on the author’s post, even comments from guests. They can however still do so via CLI or via other frontends, but their comments won’t show up on the frontends that support this feature.

Whatever CLI means.

I still am on the frontend (maybe an information visitors of my blog should receive).

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So its only cosmetic, which isn't standard and therefore its meaningless for "creating safe spaces". Thank you for digging this up.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're welcome.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm glad you're here and like me don't consider muting someone as a censorship. Why I have to hear from a troll if it's a clear troll. Or why my audience have to see his/her shit under my content I worked on so hard. I'm muting many trolls here, and you know what, that saves a lot of my time. ☺ Thanks as well for standing with Russia. I really appreciate that !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Why? Lolol!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If why I'm glad. So, because you will share here also things about Russia and Russians. So, more people will learn about the propaganda of the west and what they are doing.

They can't see you. It's solely on the front end (the ones that adopt it) and there is a glitch in it that still allows one to reply to comments on those posts. I commented for example on a post by Drutter who has me muted from the Blurt blog front end. I did notice dependent on how one goes to the blog the comment by the muted person may still be visible or not visible except to the person who muted you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

💩 Idiotic shit!


This sick creature @practicalthought is the second biggest liar on the blockchains!

He has written his lies about me so many times that he seems to believe them himself by now.

So please be lenient with him. He is very mentally disturbed.

He doesn't have a nice real life outside of Blurt, unfortunately. That's why he writes so much. He wants to be loved. He has adored me to the heavens. I could not return his love.

Since then he writes lies about me.

Personal attacks are always a bit of a 'Tell' in: 'BLURT-High-Risk-Poker-Coms'

That's why I try to stick to Physic's and Observable facts so much I guess...
You should watch this one for some fun education and a laugh or two... It's a 'Hoot'

The Mystery at the Bottom of Physics

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

HaHa, brilliant! I full heartedly agree with the attitude of the moderation.

You might like this article, I guess:

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was never that good at Poker face, I'm A blackjack fan.

Posted from

Good timing... Premier in progress now... (Low Res. High Res available in a few hours)

iBor 11 5