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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Venezuela has been living in a dark period for 20 years, there were no diapers for babies, no toothpaste or simple soap to take a shower. In the last year the inflation rarely allows the common citizen to buy meat or chicken, some live more from buying canned food or sausages to eat. I would say that if you have a strong winter we have already passed to the unknown dimension.

Things here in the U.S. is being led to where your country has been led to. They have been saying for many years they wish to get the world population down to about 500 million. Which means mass sterilization and genocide for most. This pandemic has been the major shift revealing they are now in the full implementation stages.

Ironically, the betrayers of our nations and their peoples mean little to these rulers of the humanity farm, and once their usefulness to their masters come to an end so will their quality of life, including the illusion of wealth that has been bestowed upon them. Many will also be the top of the rung for those of us who have lost so much when it comes time for retribution, their masters safely hidden in unreachable fortresses, many of which are underground.

There is much pain coming, and will require much strength and fortitude for survival if it will even be possible.

This winter will be very telling. Unfortunately for the world, the powers that be has pegged their economy to the U.S. economy, so the ripples from the devastation here will flow outward to the world. They are also saying that for parts of the U.S. this will be a bad winter, with lots of snow. Coupled with the forced crippling of the economy and the power industry, the misery is going to be great here. And to make it worse, this is unheard of here, and due to the pampering americans have grown accustomed to, most will not fare well left to their own devices. They only need look to countries such as yours, and multiply that for what is coming.

Thank you for your comment and insights into what I see is coming based on their tests in countries such as yours. I wish you and yours hidden blessings in the harsh winds coming. Because I believe it will get worse for your country as well. We are in the final stages of a long planned out move by those who control the fate of nations.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Not just food, but also the means of cooking - water and heat.
A simple lighter can be worth a whole meal.

A simple lighter can be worth a whole meal.

It sometimes amazes me how similar we think at times. I've been mentioning lighters for years as one of the things to stockpile. I know a few preppers who I argue with in good spirits whenever they start off on their "you need to get gold" spiels. When the SHTF comes I wouldn't trade a lighter for gold. I can't eat or use gold, and good luck finding a good barter with it. Those with real goods that are needed will command what the current free market price for the gold would be.

I also recommend quality knives, and some form of bow. Everyone is always going on about guns and bullets, but making projectiles is an almost infinite resource compared to bullets.

Make sure you stink as bad as the others in your area.

Even though it's serious, it made me laugh.

We don't know what's coming, but it's good to get an umbrella while the sun is still shining. The signs of cloudy days are becoming more and more obvious.

Another thing that comes to mind is that it's important to have a reliable circle of like-minded people, people you've known for a long time and who have proven themselves to be reliable.

I really hope you have friends around you that you can rely on.

Even though it's serious, it made me laugh.

Good. I tried to inject some levity into my post due to its dark conclusions.

Unfortunate or not, I don't really have a close circle. I tend to view most who have those as having a large circle of acquaintances who in dark times will be the first to betray. Being one who has no need of idle chatter in some war most seem to have to combat loneliness, it just never made sense to me to expend the energy collecting them. The few who are closest to me right now don't care for what I see nor my self described reactions that will occur if the government decides to make me an outlaw for not taking their injections.

It is what it is unfortunately.

Thanks for checking in, its good to hear from you. And hope you too have been getting your umbrella for the storms rolling in.

Yes, I think my umbrella is very stable. Family relations have always been well maintained, within the family we stick together, and there are many of us ;-)

By the way, Facebook and its subsidiaries have been down worldwide for hours, I'm not surprised.

I suspect it has something to do with the recent whistleblower who is said to be sharing lots of information about their molding of young girls minds with Instagram and to a lesser extent Facebook. I assume they had to shut the world out while they scrubbed a few things that might look bad if any real investigation is made.

I remember even as a kid growing up during the Watergate scandal with Nixon, why didn't he just destroy the tapes. In hindsight now that I'm older, I imagine his handlers told him to take the fall or else.

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