Mind control and the sociopaths who research it: Dr. Delgado

in life •  16 days ago  (edited)

Growing up as a child, I watched many of the already then old B&W Horror movies. Captivated by horrible scientists like Dr. Frankenstein who believed they could be gods with their unnatural experiments.

Feeling a sense of vindication when the local authorities and communities discovered the horrifying experiments enraged, formed a mob to destroy the abominations taking place.

Unfortunately, as the last several decades have unfolded, we have witnessed that the truth is very far from the movies in how it plays out. The governments of the world (especially here in the US) not only allow these bizarre experiments but fund and conduct them with their central authority.



With our sweat and money.

Conducting them on unwitting civilians without consent and often knowledge. It would be fair to assume based on the Mk-ultra information that has been uncovered since the nineteen seventies that if they are willing to use patients in mental facilities, college students, etc as their guinea pigs, no citizen would be safe from their mad schemes.

Especially when one understands the full implications of such research as the Mk-ultra program sought to achieve. Mind control of their targets. Sadly, even children are not immune from their chemical experiments.



Foster children are the easiest targets for their psychotropic mind experiments, although it is fair to assume that many parents have blindly trusted their advice for their children to be used as well.


Much speculation has been made about the rash of mass shooters in recent years. Many note how often they appear to be under psychiatric care, often on mind-altering chemicals prescribed from this so called care.

It would be a fair assumption that those under such care do have fewer rights than the average citizen is led to believe they possess, making them an easier target for such unauthorized experimentation.

this will lead to another post on EMF.

The purpose is to grow awareness of the fact that EMF not only has harmful effects on the human brain (among other things) but has in fact been PROVEN capable of being used as a weapon to force the subject to actions/reactions that are against the natural will of the subject.

In other words, this technology has been heavily funded and researched to be the weapon those called tin foil hat wearers have been warning about. But then, many are waking up to the fact that the term conspiracy theorist gained its negative connotation through direct propaganda from the CIA.


EMF Mind Control Pioneer Dr. Jose Delgado.

Dr. Delgado was one of the early pioneers in studying the control outside electrical stimulation has on the brain of the subject. A professor at Yale, during the nineteen-sixties, using implants, was able to control the actions of bulls, monkeys, and people.

He was what one might consider a Dr. Frankenstein of the mind, once you better understand his motivations for study. One of his quotes that I found most disturbing comes from an interview he gave to the New York Times in November 1970.

What Kind Of Humans Would We Like To Construct?


Oh, I don't know. Guessing the sociopaths funding this evil research might want to construct slave peoples.

When I first read this headline, a chill went down my spine. Not only due to the flavor of eugenics it suggests, but when placed into context with his mindset towards the goal of such experimentation.

One that suggests people can be programmed from their original intent to a different one. In other words, mind control.

Before I go any further, here is a demonstration of his chip in action as he proves he can stop enraged bulls that have his implant in their brains.

Notice in the last part of the short segment, he is discussing how he can control the monkeys without the implant simply using low-powered pulsating magnetic fields.

Here is a short video discussing the research going back as far back as the eighteen hundreds.

Before I get back to Dr. Delgado, I think given the amount of infiltration/funding into research at universities the CIA (MKUltra) was involved with in the nineteen-sixties, it is safe to assume they were backing Dr. Delgado as this was right up the alley of their research interests.


You can see the CIA was experimenting at Yale at the time from this Joint Hearing Before The Select Committee On Intelligence from the congressional record on page 29 of this PDF below.


Now, back to Delgado.

During his time at Yale, most of his work involved the implant he called stimoceivers. They were activated using a radio signal. Despite publishing hundreds of peer reviewed papers and self publishing a book on his experiments, it is fair to say most people are unaware of this man, or the horrifying research he conducted.

He stayed at Yale for decades, until he finally moved back to Spain. The climate in the US was not healthy for the type of research he had been doing, and the CIA was coming under fire for their experiments here on US soil, made far more dubious as many of their subjects were never asked for consent.

In Spain (I imagine still receiving funding from the CIA and those whose interests the CIA looks after), Dr. Delgado began working on control without the invasive implant that had proven the mind is susceptible to electrical/magnetic control.

His work now took him into areas such as transcranial magnetic stimulation. You can read more about this work here.



The below article (which can be downloaded as a PDF) gives one of the best in-depth analyses on the history of neuroelectronics, explaining the men behind the research (including Dr. Delgado, and some of the provable results. Results not only in inducing emotions but even sexual identity.

This is some of the most bizarre stuff you will read. It is necessary however to understand the doctors/scientists who mapped out these areas of control, to better understand the methodology they most likely have today.


Dr. Delgado was instrumental in mapping out the reactions of the brain to various pulses/magnetic fields.

Once he had his basic mapping completed using implants, he moved on to researching a control from outside the human body. EMF as a weapon has clearly been demonstrated possible by Dr. Delgado and others many decades ago.

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  ·  16 days ago  ·   (edited)

Indeed, the psychopaths - of which sociopaths are a sub-group - in control are doing many unEthical things, and the only tool They have to get away with these things on a large scale is money. With it They can afford the things, indoctrinate the People, and pay the Ones doing the ghastly things.

As for EMF... There are healthy frequencies that could be used, but of course, the psychopaths in control don't. They want to make Us ill so as to profit through Their pHARMa/mediKILL system.

Accounting for Our energy added is a bane to all Humanity on Our planet.

Quantifying Wealth (article): https://blurt.blog/blurttribe/@amaterasusolar/72bxd3-quantifying-wealth

and the only tool They have to get away with these things on a large scale is money.

Money is only an agreement but sadly most don't understand this. It's not the money that is evil. it's those who we allow to control the agreement(s).

Your comment is dead on.

🙏💜🙏 It is not an agreement when One's life depends on it... It is coercion... And You are right. Money is merely a (VERY dangerous, archaic) tool. Dangerous because it promotes psychopaths to the top, and archaic because We have tech that makes it pointless - but the psychopaths hide and suppress it avidly. They don't want to lose that tool.

It is not an agreement when One's life depends on it

It actually still is. Those who go this route are usually martyrs.

I dispute that coercion is "agreement." To agree, One has to be coming from fully informed consent.

You didn't mention ignorance in your initial statement. You said

It is not an agreement when One's life depends on it... It is coercion

I would submit that if one is being coerced, one is likely not ignorant as one chooses to bend the knee to escape the threat.

In that frame, one does have a choice. Most prefer to bend the knee and collect their bribery instead of becoming a martyr.

And I contend that it is the consent that is destroyed, fully informed or not, in coercion. That's not a free choice. Consent implies no imposed consequences. Avoiding consequences is not consent.

Folks like Ghandi, Martin Luther King etc. are examples that one has consent under coercion.

  ·  16 days ago  ·   (edited)

And all this to be implemented when Elon's chip goes public. He's not going to have a say in it either. He'll be made into their puppet to abide by their wishes and will be given gag orders to speak against any programming these chips may have. Maybe, it already is implemented on all the vaccines "chips", er... Nano tech. Whatever.

The point being, whats to stop them from mind controlling to that extent, the vaccinated, the chipped, from "purging" out the "resistance" of voluntarist/anarchists/truthseekers and tellers, etc. ? Will we be forced to kill our loved one because of some mind control device?

A humans vs zombie game made into real life. It's the walking dead but the dead aren't really dead their just mind controlled by the chip.

Fantastic post BTW.

Its fascinating how they go this point.

I've never trusted Elon. I believe he is running a script as is Trump.

I'll be writing more soon on 5G and chips.

The chip however is unnecessary as Dr. Delgado proved decades ago one can be changed with frequencies outside of us. They have so much artificial frequency they create it's actually been changing the Schumann Resonance.


  ·  14 days ago  ·  

A d they are doing it already with those 5g towers.

Looking forward to reading it.

Just finished my last post on the EMF and chipping.

MK-ULTRA Never Ended
Project MKULTRA (also known as MK-ULTRA) was the code name for a CIA mind-control research program that began in the 1950s. Many people claim that this illegal program ended in the 1970's, but it continues to this very day (although it's not called MKUltra anymore). Modern versions of MKUltra conducted by the CIA, FBI, and Pentagon are now referred to by names such as "Information Ops, Psycological Operations (PSYOPS), and "Behavior Modification."

Psychological Warfare
Congress in late 2019 passed a law affirming that the military could conduct operations in the "information environment" to defend the United States and to push back against foreign disinformation aimed at undermining its interests. The measure, known as Section 1631, allows the military to carry out clandestine psychologic operations in the United States against American citizens (WTF!)

I agree, it would be foolish to believe they ever stopped. Their programming became more legal when Obama allowed them to lie to us legally. They don't have to jump through any legal hoops now.


Can't get any more blatant than this.

Yep, Obama paved the way for today's mayhem...

Here is a great 30,000 foot view...

The Brain Initiative, I believe, is the continuation of this work with modern advances. A modern approach to the same goals.

Unethical human experiments continue in the United States to this day. On the down low. A facility for the disabled here in Iowa called Glenwood Resource Center was caught doing experiments on people in their facility without consent. Dehydration experiments and sexual arousal experiments. I did a post about it. The outcome of the "investigation" was that these things happened but, as per usual, steps are being taken to prevent this from happening again. No one went to jail or was criminally charged. No real consequences. Just a carefully crafted PR statement by the state of Iowa about prevention of abuse in state facilities. Who designed these experiments? Who came up with the idea? Who were they done for? Who paid for it? No answers.

Who paid for it?

I'm guessing we did through tax theft, but I know what you mean.

Ultimately yes, tax payers pay for all of it. We fund our own enslavement, torture, poisonings, etc. Yup. True. And all the government agencies, and now the world government agencies, dish it out. Been this way before I was even born. The 50's and 60's were dark times in this way for sure. Imagine what can be done now.