EMF and chipping: Mark of the beast is here.

in life •  5 months ago 

Revelations 13:7 “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark (chip?), or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

With growing unease, I have watched as the days of privacy and dignity have eroded to the point of almost being nonexistent. I’m not sure which has caused me the most agitation.

That they have been implementing the vast array of snooping methods into my/our lives, or that most seem to either not care or worse, be oblivious to the implications manifesting around us.

Apathetic as the flames destroy our autonomy, forcing us into a shrinking corner.

fire consuming our autonomy.jpg


This post will meander a bit, but it is all tied together in the sense the systems being implemented are designed to make us not only dependent on the whims of those who believe they own us.

They are also designed to track our every movement, purchase, and thought.

Along with the war on privacy, we have also witnessed a war on our ability to generate and keep wealth within our grasp.

Deeper than the mechanisms designed to keep the masses toiling as uneducated slave wages, there has been a movement for years now to create means to confiscate wealth one accrues for the crime of possessing it.

Wealth forfeiture is very real and has many fronts on which it is waged.

Here are a few brief articles/descriptions of asset forfeiture, which basically gives the government the ability to seize your wealth without charging you and making you fight to retrieve it.

Often at a cost that exceeds what was stolen from you.


In the above case regarding Phil, he was finally able to recover his 91,000 USD after a long struggle. For every successful case such as his, many never have recovered THEIR wealth.


While the courts have slowly begun addressing this abuse, it still takes place despite its violation of the 8th Amendment.

The I10 corridor is well known for the cops along that route relieving travelers of their cash or possessions while on their way for business or pleasure.

The alarming part to keep in mind is the legal justification for this action is the deeming of your actions as suspicious.

It seems pretty clear that anyone who has wealth and is unfortunate enough to be caught with it in public is immediately deemed suspicious.

The main takeaway I get from this is that not only do they enrich their municipalities from this theft, but they also discourage one from traveling with anything of value, which would encourage one to keep their wealth locked away.

Locked away in a bank, where one would use their card to pay their expenses. A magical debit/credit card to keep that wealth secure. Secure and tracked as to its use.

Or as we saw with the truckers in Canada, turned off at the whim of those who believe they own us.



Don’t be fooled into thinking you have privacy in the confines of your home either. Most people unwittingly will tell the likes of Google everything about themselves, from ailments they search for, their interests, their fetishes, etc.

Add cell phones into the mix, and they can further narrow down who in your household is interested in these subjects as they are being provided more reference points to complete their profiles on us.

Utilizing the IOT (Internet of Things) to increase their cataloging of your nuances, they not only have people willingly signing up for home security via the net with cameras and such, but installing all manner of equipment such as door locks and thermostats, etc.

When third parties are involved through rentals, they even assign each resident their own number for the lock, which will allow them to record which party is coming/going.

Want a friend to enter your dwelling, but you’re not home? Create a code with the app. Of course, that app is tracking you which once again provides it with records of your routines.

As well as records the information on guests' comings and goings.

Let’s not forget the apps they offer, not only for mundane pursuits that can hijack the tech on one's phone (such as Fakebook, etc).

The above security and smart tech being used to spy on one's habits under the banner of convenience also offer apps.





It seems obvious to me that many are aware of being tracked by our cell phones and the surrounding towers. Some stores even track their customer’s whereabouts using their signals.

But there is a cheaper way of tracking, and that is the RFID chip. They are inexpensive, yet the problem they have previously had when it comes to tracking is they have to be in very close proximity to a reader. This has always been a damper on using towers to track the chips.

5G will make it far easier for them to track the RFID chips in your debit/credit cards, using the many pieces of tech that make up the Internet of Things as their readers.

Even the new debit cards from Chase tout the signal they emit to eliminate the need to even put the card inside a device. The stronger 5G signals will amplify their use as a tracking device.

Putting aside the questionable health risks that 5G raises, there is no doubt this will be a game changer in the use of RFID tracking.

No more safety by leaving your cell phone at home.


Notice from the above article in rfidjournal.

Additionally, more U.S. hospitals are utilizing RFID for the monitoring of bandages and other supplies, and to monitor patients by replacing barcode ID bracelets with RFID-enabled bracelets that allow for tracking patients as they move around a facility, potentially into harmful environments.

It doesn't take much imagination to understand that IOT will enable the world to act as the confines of that hospital.

This wouldn’t be so troublesome to me if they weren’t thrusting it on everyone. But they corral the cattle by offering a growing number of products that are “smart” (IOT) spying devices, from TVs to thermostats to even lightbulbs.

It's easy to see that as the coming years are upon us, buying most things not part of this elaborate spying system will be a thing of the past. It is doubly troubling that so many seem to not care, or understand.

So many seem focused on the party, the shiny bling, they refuse to see the controls the masters are installing as they continue to create divisions among us. I often wonder if it’s too late to stop this intrusion.

Too late to do away with the cameras. The insistence on recording every move. If we don’t, the move from where we used to be, where there was an adequate abundance for those willing to put in the effort will become nonexistent.

Nonexistent as they have left no corner for the subjects to manifest any form of abundance left unmolested in their desire to own and control it all.

The ultimate chip: Musks Neuralink.

In my article on the real life Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Delgado, he asks

What kind of humans would we like to construct?

Hooking our brains up to the IOT is the ultimate mind control. Constructing/programming the perfect slave as one programs a computer. We saw what Dr. Delgado was capable of in the sixties with his outdated chips.

And like some kind of evil John the Baptist, notice he is now on the campaign trail for Trump.

According to Revelations, the antichrist will be wounded in the head.

Self-fulfilling prophecy or not, it's long past time to wake up. Not only do they steal our freedom, they also wish to steal our thoughts and actions.

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About that wealth... We all have a share of Our planet's wealth but the psychopaths in control are keeping Us from it and moving Us from legal ownership (though Ethically They cannot remove Our interest in it).

We can return to Us what is Ours... But, yeah, We must work for it initially.

Quantifying Wealth (article): https://blurt.blog/blurttribe/@amaterasusolar/72bxd3-quantifying-wealth

I appreciate your thoughts more than I can convey.

The realist in me knows that what you speak of will only work in small groups though, like true communism.

The sociopaths are quick to move and force their control on any group they notice of means.

You remind me a lot of Celine (earthcustodians) from my Steem/Hive days.

If you ever wish to peruse her writing here is a link to her Hive account. She seems to have quit blogging 2 years ago though.


I fully disagree on Your "realist" perspective...  LOL!  Once free energy is flowing openly, it will affect the planet.  Money use will diminish and then fall away.  100% of the cost of everything is energy - the resources sit here freely, but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration.

And once We have no need for money, the psychopaths amongst Us will have no tool to affect what They do now - money is Their only tool.  What would They pay Others with to do Their bidding in large enough numbers to make a mess of Our planet?  We will all be living richly, accessing Our wealth, so what would motivate swathes of Us to do unEthical things?

The ONLY Tool  (article):  https://blurt.blog/blurt/@amaterasusolar/2vejck-the-only-tool

Accounting For the Energy We Add  (article):  https://blurt.blog/blurt/@amaterasusolar/3suvzu-accounting-for-the-energy-we-add

I don't foresee the psychopaths running the show to allow free energy. Nor to allow us to openly disregard their money.

It's ok that we disagree though. I did as well years ago with the lightworkers, and consider you a sort of lightworker.

My heart yearns for the things you said, but the realist in me says it won't happen.

Well... I will not give up, and figure that if someOne with the wherewithal to experiment shares successes widely on the web, and does not file for patent - alerting Them - We CAN get it put there.

Anyway, My work is the ONLY thing I live for - without it, cyanide sounds good...in this hideous mess the psychopaths are creating around Us.

Love always!